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On today’s episode, Editor in Chief Sarah Wheeler talks with Lead Analyst Logan Mohtashami about the connection between housing inventory and sales, and how both of those affect home prices.

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The HousingWire Daily podcast brings the full picture of the most compelling stories in the housing market reported across HousingWire. Each morning, listen to editor in chief Sarah Wheeler talk to leading industry voices and get a deeper look behind the scenes of the top mortgage and real estate stories. Hosted and produced by the HousingWire Content Studio.


00:00Welcome, everyone. My guest today is lead analyst Logan Motoshami to talk about the
00:10connection between housing inventory, home prices and sales, and how that might be changing
00:16in this economic environment. As always, I want to thank our sponsor Optimal Blue for
00:20making this episode possible. Logan, welcome back to the podcast.
00:25It is wonderful to be here and somebody, one of our listeners reminded me that the existing
00:33home sales monthly sales report is actually higher than the forecast we had for sales
00:40at 4.2 million. And I thought about, you know, one of the things that people saw is monthly
00:47supply grow, inventories growing, right? We're getting that seasonal. And in the previous
00:52decade, when mortgage demand grows, sales are somewhat elevated, picking up. Total active
01:00inventory in the NAR data never grew. It was slowly moving lower and lower. And I thought
01:08to myself, this is something that, you know, I try to teach people over the years, but
01:12it isn't common post qualified mortgage for active inventory and sales to grow together.
01:21It's actually the reversed. For many decades, what we do is crayon economics with our charts.
01:28We draw these really black lines. And in the previous decades, when sales grow in the mid
01:3480s, in the 1990s, even in from 2000 to 2005, that was a housing bubble demand curve. Inventory
01:45would grow and sales would grow. Then here comes qualified mortgage and here comes the
01:53millennials. And in this context, what happened was active inventory was slowly moving lower
02:01when mortgage demand grows, right? We wouldn't see active inventory grow with it. It's the
02:06first time in many decades. And I had always explained it in a very simple way. 70 to 80%
02:13of home sellers are buyers, but there's one group of people, right? That do not provide
02:19you a house. And they were the biggest home buyers for many years and millennials, right?
02:23They're mortgage buyers. So purchase application data would be rising from 2014. Inventory
02:29would be slowly moving down since 2014. So we would have these rising sales, but active
02:36inventory would fall. But now you have the case to where sales are so depressed and active
02:45inventory is not back to normal, right? Then the NAR's normal inventory curve is two to
02:50two and a half million. That's traditionally would be the case. 1.24 million. We're not
02:56even anywhere, anywhere close to normal. And we're not going to get there in that curve
03:02this year, but we can make a case that because sales are so depressed and inventory is not
03:10back to normal, you can actually have what we saw in the eighties and nineties and 2000.
03:15Hypothetical. Let's just, I'm not saying this is going to occur, but let's just say mortgage
03:19rates go down to 5.375 and stay in a range between 5.375 and 5.87. People will list their
03:28homes. You have more sellers that are buyers, active inventory, because we're not back to
03:34normal can grow in sales could grow. And this would be the first time, boy, I would say
03:40since 2000 to 2005, that this could occur. Which is like, that's my dream fantasy. That
03:49because, because that would mean that, you know, you couldn't have prices escalate out
03:54of control and you get more supply, which the reverse has been happening.
03:59This is why the whole like, oh boy, we're in trouble. Um, hello. And we might need higher
04:04rates here. This, you never, never want to have the 2020 to 20, early 2022 housing market
04:10ever again, because prices could escalate out of control and it's no one's really fault.
04:15We just don't have enough product. So it was, I, I saw a little bit of this last year. Now
04:22our tracker data is a little bit more prolific than the NARs. We're into the weeds more with
04:27a active inventory, weekly new listings, price cut percentages, everything. And I'm like,
04:33like last year, I was totally happy. I didn't get this in 2023 yet, but last year we were
04:37able to grow inventory, uh, price growth, cool down. Uh, we have more choices and allows
04:44a year to wages for grow household to form. And boy, you could just see it there. You're
04:49just at that point to where you could get growing sales and growing inventory. You
04:53don't have to worry about prices getting out of control. And that would be just a beautiful
04:58housing market, uh, that everyone can be happy with.
05:04So when you look at these, um, when you, when you look at this, is your price forecast still,
05:09um, you know, do you stand by the price forecast or has that changed any
05:12As of now, my price forecast again, like last year might be a little bit too low. Um,
05:20but we're still in the rage. Now, when we talk about price forecasts, the history of
05:25home prices, it kind of moves with inflation and like between 4.7 to 5.3% is the norm.
05:32Nothing, nothing abnormal about that. But the reason I don't like doing the inflation
05:37theory, by the way, there's like people that like forecast, but I, I'm not a big believer
05:42of like two year forecasting or, you know, some poor, some poor wall street firm had
05:474% mortgage rate forecast in 2025. He did it in 2023, you know, and I totally get it.
05:55If you really believe, if you really believe that we were going to go into a recession,
05:59then yeah, you could, I mean, in theory you could, you can make a case there's a four
06:02handle, but I just, I never thought that to be very useful. Things change, man. I mean,
06:08uh, um, and you kind of got to go, go with the new data and you forecast so far out.
06:15But last year my price forecast was a little bit lower than everyone else's. Um, and how
06:21do I explain that? Well, I'm not a mortgage rate lockdown person. I believe active inventory
06:25could grow with higher rates, right? And then price growth can slow down in that, in that
06:30environment. I thought I was going to be right. I thought the curve, my whole model curve was
06:35working and I was like, okay, it's going to work. It's going to work. And then mortgage rates went
06:39lower. Right. And even in the seasonal soft period, uh, the price growth actually firmed up.
06:46And because of that, my, I lost my curve and we ended up, you know, depending on who you're there,
06:51there's so many different price, uh, uh, people between Zillow, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae,
06:56Kay Schiller, everybody. But, uh, um, it looks like 4% home price growth. So I was off by, uh,
07:02but roughly like my 1.7%, uh, percent, but here I was even lower than last year, 1.77%. And while
07:10why active inventory can grow, um, uh, with that, the price cut percentages with elevated rates can,
07:19uh, uh, stay elevated and the price growth can cool down now. 1.77 is that's back to back years
07:24of real home prices being negative. But here, if rates actually went down to 6%, you could get
07:31active inventory to grow in prices. Won't like get out of hand on a national basis. And I always say
07:37this, um, I always put into consideration Texas and Florida and, uh, parts of the U S the States
07:45that, uh, are dealing with a little bit different issues than other, uh, parts of the, uh, uh,
07:51country, uh, Mike Simonson does these great webinars where he talks about, uh, uh, like a,
07:58kind of a quarterly update and gives people an idea about where the pricing curve is.
08:02And what, what I do is I try to calculate, well, if Texas and Florida are the States that are
08:08trouble with pricing and everywhere else, those go into the equation. And we, we always highlight
08:14this. If I take 2007 to 11 out of the equation from post-World War II, we only had one year
08:20nationally where home prices fell was 1990. It was 1% only, but, um, a lot of that had to do with
08:27Southern California. Uh, the economy back there was, wasn't very good. And that allowed the curve
08:33to go lower. So we've had so many years where we were like at zero home price growth or one home
08:39price growth. And that traditionally what happens after you have a very hot period of home prices,
08:45there's, there's basically a very, very low period where in theory, real home prices are
08:51negative. You don't see it much nominal home price growth. And I'm, I'm running off of that
08:56out here. So active inventory growing and sales growing. Oh, Sarah. I mean, I'm telling you
09:03that would be the most perfect year. Uh, I saw glimpses of it last year and, uh, but, uh,
09:10rates didn't stay low enough, long enough to really grow sales. But in this case, I could
09:15just, I'm seeing here, I'm looking, okay, it's year to date purchase application date is positive,
09:20right? If rates just go down to 6%, it doesn't take because you're, you're working from so
09:25such low levels and you can actually grow sales at inventory. And that would be like,
09:31out of all the years I've worked in housing, where that would be the perfect year.
09:35Right. And, uh, uh, what I saw in 2020, you know, 2021, 2022 was not what I consider healthy,
09:43but last year healthy, like we're getting, we're getting back there. But if you can grow sales and
09:48have inventory grow and prices, price growth is very tame and normal. That would be perfect.
09:54That would be perfect. You know, it, it's interesting to me, inventory and home prices.
09:59I mean, we know people who, um, you know, they put on social, like
10:02there's 25 people standing outside this open house. That still happens. That's still happening
10:06in different markets, depending on where you are. And on the other hand, you have markets,
10:10maybe like Austin where things are staying on the, on the market much longer. And you're seeing
10:15prices, uh, come down quite a bit. So, you know, from your perspective, that national home price,
10:22what is the best use of that when, when you're out there and you're running a business?
10:26You always, you always go off of your, your, your local market, but in general contexts,
10:33right. If national home prices are falling, you know, there's something, there's something wrong
10:39with the economy. That's, that's basically, it's 84 years of, of macroeconomic data out there.
10:45Uh, it's cause it's, it's really rare for home prices to fall. So 2007 to 11, what happened?
10:51Credit boom, credit bus foreclosures. And, and, and how I, how I try to explain it is
10:56if you look back in that marketplace, we have 4 million active listings in 2007.
11:01Then it started to fall, right? A lot of people, uh, keep on saying, well,
11:05well, inventory was falling. It was inventory was up here, but the homes that were coming
11:09onto the market were all distressed, right? That's why we always highlight the new listings,
11:14new listings data back then 250 to 400,000 per week or per week per, I mean, it's, it's
11:21funny thing is the new listings data, the peak in the last five years was like 91,000 one week.
11:3291,000. Even if I doubled that wouldn't be the lowest level of the, like the 2008 to 2012,
11:40a new listings curve, because they were forced credit sellers. When you, when you're underwater,
11:46your foreclosures or bankruptcy shorts or whatever it is, you are not a functioning
11:50housing market because that was nationally, uh, uh, an economic story. It's not the case.
11:58And we always highlight like back then 23% of the homes plus or underwater record lows,
12:04allow the loan to value. This is the killer one. Uh, the loan to value back then with the people
12:11that do have mortgages for 40% of homes don't have a mortgage, but it was like 85%.
12:16So you didn't have much wiggle room. The crazy thing is like, I can do all these crazy stats.
12:21The average down payment now is 18%, you know, for a house. So the LTV values actually would be,
12:30uh, negative, uh, uh, if we had like very, very low down payment loans, but at 18%,
12:37that's a lot of nested equity. So then of course, you know, a lot of people make the big,
12:42FHA, there's a foreclosure crisis guys. 2007 to 11 was a foreclosure crisis. We've had
12:48decades and decades of recessions without having crisis. Not everything is going to be a crisis.
12:53Okay. So, uh, the loan to value at 40, 46.6. Oh, it's like, if I was, if I was a bearish Chinese,
13:02Russian or Iranian or an anti-central bank person, and I actually read housing data and
13:07I'm sitting there telling people home prices are going to fall 40%. I'm, I'm cuckoo. I'm gone.
13:14I'm gone. I'm, I'm Jack Nicholson's in, in, in what flew the nest, but, uh, a different marketplace.
13:21Each, each cycle is very unique in its way. Um, Austin is a really good example.
13:27Somebody asked me about Austin like a year ago. And I remember telling him, imagine if America
13:32went up 76 and a half percent in home price growth in two and a half years, 76 and a half,
13:38because that was Austin. But you went from a 3% mortgage market to a 7% mortgage market.
13:44But imagine if America needed foreigners to come to your country to buy homes because
13:50Austin needs migration, right? Cause it's, it's elevated. So the areas that need migration,
13:57if migration slows, you have less buyers, your pool of buyers have to come from the local
14:04economy. And does your local economy really have the wages to offset, you know? So, uh, that's
14:10another variable that, uh, you have to go into it. And of course, Florida, I mean, I let's be honest
14:17here. Florida wants to, uh, get rid of property taxes. And I was actually, uh, I saw, I was, I,
14:24I watched a DeSantis, uh, speech on, on Instagram videos. It just popped up. I was like,
14:29how'd you get here? And I can see where he's going at, you know,
14:34migration slowed in Florida and homeowners are mad, but the local population, if migration slows,
14:42the local population has to do the bulk of the buying and insurance. I mean, they, they are
14:47allowing insurance to come in charge as much as ever. So they have coverage, but the costs are up.
14:53So in that context, I totally get what he's doing. He's trying to get the cost of housing
14:59down for homeowners and home buyers, because if migration slows, right, he's got to, he's got to
15:05find a way to get people to come here. And he's got to find people within the, uh, um, um, the,
15:12the intricacies of the local economy to, to, to buy homes. And that, that had been the problem.
15:18Of course, Florida has this condo issue that is, is very, it's much different than other places.
15:23Then the condo market is in a lot of areas where I think anybody who knows the mortgage industry,
15:29boy, those condo approval projects for certain places, man, you're just,
15:33you know, you're going to be rough. Yeah. You're not going to, you're not going to get it. So you,
15:38you limit the, uh, ability to buy homes, uh, get mortgage buyers in that situation.
15:44Okay. So contrast that with what the, the insurance situation in California, right?
15:50Both coastal areas, uh, both have some, you know, obviously coastal California,
15:55some of the highest priced real estate in the whole nation, but they were like, Hey,
16:00you can't raise prices. So you had, first you had, you know, insurers leave, then they said,
16:04okay, we can, you know, we will, we'll have a different system, you know, state farms back in,
16:10but it's like, okay, we want to raise it like this huge amount after the fires. And they're like,
16:13no, you can't. So it's, it's a really interesting situation that the contrast there between Florida
16:18and California. That virtually unhealthy in that sense. Um, it's, it's one of these things where,
16:27you know, you, you, you talk about fires and hurricanes and tornadoes and, and, you know,
16:34you're, you're, you're getting to the economic side. That isn't just the destruction side. It's
16:40the ability to ensure. And I just, I don't know where FEMA is going. Uh, I don't know where the,
16:49what, what in general is going to be how the federal government works, uh, for this. Uh, so
16:58it, it's, it's, it's going to be, it's going to be interesting over the next few years to see,
17:02like, I want to see what, what is, what does FEMA look like after Trump gets to do his thing
17:07to everything? And, and is it good? Is there going to be like, well, if we give you money,
17:14I could totally see this happening. We're not going to give California any money unless X,
17:19X, X, X happens, you know? Yeah. So, so it is, it's, it's fascinating to, to, to see if, if,
17:28if that's the case. Um, and there's a lot of rumors and speculations of what's going to happen
17:33with Freddie and Fannie out there. Uh, uh, and we're during a phase where we're not, we were
17:42always kind of somewhat sure of what the government role was, and we're not sure what the
17:47government's role was. And in regarding an insurance, uh, if your insurance company keeps on
17:52raising, raising prices, but you know, a lot of these States and cities were always banking on
17:59FEMA coming in, you know, they can't, they can't fund it. And, and one thing about California,
18:04they, you know, I remember in 2014, I was at the BNY Mellon stock conference in California. And
18:12that was my first presentation with Bloomberg financial back then. Uh, and I said that 82%
18:19of the working population in California is priced out of housing. And that was 2014.
18:25That was 2014. It's, it's basically still stayed the same because if you're buying a house in
18:30California, you really make three times more the income. So I think the, the income back then was
18:36like 60,000. So I was, I was like, homebuyers like, don't make that homebuyers make a lot more.
18:41So if people want to know like, how are, how do we have 5 million home sales? Homebuyers always
18:45made a lot more, right? That's why I'm not the biggest fan of like median income to medium price
18:50thing, you know, cause it doesn't, it doesn't equate homebuyers, especially dual household
18:54incomes, uh, in California, uh, make money. But in this context, the affordability issue
19:02gets much worse, right? With insurance, because insurance keeps on going up higher and higher.
19:07You don't know when this is going to end. And I think that's, that's the thing going out.
19:12A lot of people say, well, the bulk of the insurance costs are, you know, already in,
19:19and it'll slow itself down. You don't know how many fires and hurricanes are coming. And if FEMA
19:24is not coming in, in the future years, what do you do? Like what, like how do you, how do you
19:30operate? And that's why when we did that, or when I did that interview with Yahoo early in 2024,
19:37there are just some places in America that homebuyers just say, no, I'm not going to deal
19:42with it. If I can't get insurance and my insurance costs is here and FEMA is not going to come in,
19:46I'm, I'm, I'm not risking my families. You know, I'm going to go somewhere where
19:51I'm not going to get fires. I'm not going to get a hurricanes. You know, I can go somewhere cold.
19:56Where is that? I mean,
19:58Boise, Boise. I, Oh my, I I've been to Boise twice. I love it there. I was like,
20:04if there was one place I would move to, I'd be going to Boise, but, um, the Midwest, you know,
20:10Ohio, Ohio, Illinois, those areas are, you know, affordable and you, you don't really have like
20:21the natural, no, we just did a story that hailstorms are the new hurricanes, as far as
20:26how much it costs and how much your insurance is going to go and Midwest, but your house,
20:31your house is storm central. Your house isn't going to get destroyed within like 30 minutes.
20:38True. It's different. It's different with hurricanes and fires, Pacific Palisades burned
20:45down in a very short amount of time, you know, a hurricane could just, you know, so it's different
20:52because what are you going to do? You can't do anything in regards to that. Your, your house
20:56is pretty much destroyed. And then the whole process of, uh, uh, you know, your children's
21:05school, everything. Do you really want to deal with that? I mean, if you're, if you're, if it's
21:09becoming more and more common, right, do you want to deal with that? And, and parts of their country
21:16that doesn't have those situations for some people, not everyone, but for some people, it just makes
21:21sense. Maybe Arizona. I don't think Arizona has a lot of natural disasters. I think the heat in
21:29Arizona is, is really the thing that some, some people don't like, but, um, but yeah, I mean,
21:35there's, there's, there's parts of the country that just aren't prone to hurricanes and fires.
21:40They're cold, they're hot, but you know, they're not, um, they don't have the natural disasters.
21:48And if this gets worse as time in history, if it starts to get more common that these things
21:54happen, there's a higher risk that you lose your house. So true. Logan, thank you so much for being
22:01on. We have so much going on. I know I'll talk to you again very soon. Thank you for your time today.
22:06Always instructive, always insightful. Pleasure to be here, Sarah.
