• il y a 11 ans
After Dr Delphin Kapasa graduated from College, he knew that he had to serve God by being a doctor to people living in poverty. Now, he is one of the doctors who works at the Good Shepherd where health care is provided to people in poor areas. They are also given instruction in basic life skills so that they can get out of poverty and are offered training through sewing workshops and reading lessons.

The doctors and staff who work at the Good Shepherd show God’s love and care to the patients. Their faith translates into real love and action as they serve some of the very poorest people. Their lives are a witness of the Good News to everyone that they come into contact with in the clinic.

Praise God for calling these doctors and nurses to serve in this area where there is so much need and poverty. Pray that God will continue to provide the needed resources for the clinic and pray that many people will be drawn to Jesus as they see the genuine love of the doctors and staff.

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.” – Matthew 25:40

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