2.Wong's Forensic Mathematics: Kidnapped MH370 Plane Crashed at 8N,87E http://ptfm.orgfree.com

  • 10 years ago
2.Wong's Forensic Mathematics: Kidnapped MH370 Plane Crashed at 8N,87E

John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM):
John Wong (Wong Chung Kai 黃仲佳) is a scientist and mathematician keen on Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM). I know the motion of stars is the Diary of Jehovah, God, and time is a switch of an event. I establish a subject called Time Genetics to study the skills to forecast the occurrence of an event or ascertain a happened event by mathematical and logical approaches based on those formulae created and derived from events in history. I call the skills to forecast the fate of a person as Micro-Prediction. The time and place of birth are crucial. I call the skills to predict the destiny of a group of people as Macro-Prediction. Biblical prophecies are crucial. I assume all events occurred are caused by `Time Genes' and `Timeon' is a basic fate particle in a time gene. Actually, `Timeons' are real stars in the galaxies. They are huge `particles'. The composition of substances in a star produces unique gravitational force. The spectra of forces of stars are like electromagnetic waves. Each timeon has its specific influence on an event. A time gene is a combination of timeons, called `Time Model'. In fact, a `Time Model' is celestial phenomenon of galaxies. Its power is the resultant of gravitational forces. I express the time genes in a general form of `Ln'. `L' is alphabets from A to J and `n' is numbers from 0 to 11. The alphabetical part is called the `Stem' of a time gene and the numerical part is called the `Root'. Both the stems and roots are recurring. The total number of combinations of stems and roots are 60, like `A0',`B1',...,`I10',`J11'. According to their sequence, time genes can also be expressed by numbers with two digits, like `01',`02',...,`58',`59',`60'. So, A0=01, B1=02, C2=03, ..., H9=58, I10=59, J11=60. They are the `Time Codes' in Time Genetics.

Tags: Jet 777, Malaysia Airline, Flight No.MH370, kidnapping, plane crash, Forensic Mathelogy, astrology, numerology, Time Genetics, Timeon, Time gene, fate particle, destiny sectors, decade fortune, annual fortune, stars, orbits, celestial phenomenon, galaxies, gravitational force, John Wong, Wong Chung kai (黃仲佳), Time Models, 黃氏《預言科技及法證數學》.

John Wong, the Mathematical Evangelist 2018, said:

John Wong's "End of Lateinos' Superpower" Equation: 616B.C.+1335x2→A.D.2054 [Remarks: The Babylonian Empire rose and defeated Assyrian army the first time in 616B.C. It took Arrapha, in the bible Calah (modern Kirkuk), and Kalhu (modern Nimrud). From Babylonian Empire, beginning of King Nebuchadnezzar's golden head image of Latinos, rose and defeated Assyrian army in 616B.C. to the second coming of Jesus Christ, the end of the superpowers of Latinos, should pass twice "A thousand three hundred and five and thirty days". This is described in chapter 12, verse 12, Book of Daniel.

John Wong's University http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible
