• 10 years ago
The deadly Ebola outbreak gripping West Africa has now registered a case in Senegal. A young man from Guinea has become the country’s first official victim of the virus. He has since been placed in quarantine, but the case will further worry international observers who fear the contagion of this crisis.

Originating in Guinea- Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria have also seen the virus cross their borders.

Over 1,500 people been killed by the current outbreak, but the World Health Organisation stresses 20,000 people could be at risk of infection

Panic is rife in the region, with a riot breaking out in Guinea’s second largest city after a market was sprayed with disinfectant.

Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, has warned of the need for containment:

“If we don’t stop it here, we’re going to be dealing with it for years around the world. But we can still stop it.”

A number of major pharmaceutical companies are now planning to test experimental Ebola treatments on humans. The World Health Organisation recently opened the door for those infected in this epidemic to be offered fast-tracked drugs.


