Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

  • 10 years ago
Foods that reduce inflammation
Blood pressure, viral infections, osteoporosis, arthritis, candida and acne afflictions are caused by inflammation of the human body. Inflammation is your answer to stress to the immune system which is a daily subject.

When super cooled, the human body responds with an inflammation in the form of fever, which helps healing. But if the immune system is weakened, inflammations may seize the entire body, thus leading to serious health problems. Nature provides but the foods that can help the human body in the Magnifier with inflammations and harmful outside factors.

What are inflammations?

Inflammations are the immune system's response to infections and bacteria. Certain parts of the body become inflamed, both on the inside and on the outside. Classic symptoms of inflammation are redness, swelling and pain.

They usually occur when we stumbled over or have an infection in the body but occur Inflammations and when the human body is intoxicated with unhealthy foods. Foods that cause inflammation are those rich in animal fats, refined oils, carbohydrates, sugars, artificial sweeteners and food.

Body fat causes inflammation

Adipose tissue of the human body secretes hormones that regulate the immune system and inflammatory. But then when a person is overweighed, these excess hormones leads to major disturbances.

People with more fat in the body produce larger amounts of hormones that increase appetite. All adipose tissue products and certain chemicals that cause inflammation. Obesity increases the production of hormones and chemicals that inhibit the proper functioning of the human body.
