School bus nightmare: Teenager saves 42 high schoolers by taking over for unconscious bus driver

  • 9 years ago
This week in Tainan, in southern Taiwan, a school bus full of high school seniors on a school trip lost control and careened into an empty field. Amazingly, no one was injured.

The dashcam video of the bus shows the harrowing 30 second roller coaster nightmare ride as the bus avoids an electric pole, a house, barrels into an empty parking lot, and finally crashes to a halt in an empty field.

More frightening yet was that the driver of the bus was unconscious throughout the entire event. So who was operating the bus?

It was a high school student named Zheng YongChuan, age 17. Zheng had never driven a car before, let alone a bus several times larger than your typical sedan.

When interviewed, Zheng explained that after the bus driver fainted, the driver’s foot was stuck on the gas pedal. Unable to move or revive the driver, Zheng grabbed the steering wheel and began maneuvering the bus around obstacles. He also flipped open the door, which was immediately ripped off its hinges. Zheng explained he did that because he didn’t want to be trapped in the bus after it crashed, and if the door frame was crushed they wouldn’t be able to open the door.

The teenager says it was the longest 30 seconds of his life and it wasn’t until later that he realized how lucky he was.

The lucky ones are his classmates, all 42 people aboard the bus were shocked and terrified but uninjured.

The 47 year old bus driver was the only one rushed to hospital to have his fainting spell checked out. He says he is extremely thankful to Zheng.


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