Grand Rapids bus fight: driver fights 15-yr-old high school girl - TomoNews

  • 9 years ago
Charges have been filed against a Grand Rapids bus driver and a 15-year-old whose fight last week was caught on cellphone footage. The two got into a verbal argument that quickly turned physical.

Driver Alicia Miller, 53, is charged with assault and battery, while the Grand Rapids Public School student she sparred off with is accused of creating a disturbance.

The fight occurred last Thursday on Tremont Boulevard. Authorities say words were exchanged between the teenager and the driver. The driver then steps off the bus and the altercation then got physical. Someone shot cellphone footage of the fight and posted in on Facebook.

It shows other students trying to break up the fight, but the driver would not stop pulling the girl’s hair.

After she was pulled away and pushed back onto the bus, the driver can be heard taunting the teen.

Miller is expected to turn herself into police on Tuesday. She has been suspended from her job since last week when the investigation began.


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