Officer trying to break up school brawl knocks teen unconscious by slamming her head to the floor

  • 8 years ago
SHERMAN, TEXAS — Police are investigating an incident at a Texas school where an officer intervening in a fight between two students allegedly used too much force.

The Herald Democrat reports that two female students at Sherman High School were engaged in a violent brawl on Thursday morning. A cellphone video of the incident shows the two teens lunging at each other, with one girl in orange literally pulling out the hair of another teen in black.

A teacher is seen wrapping his arm around the two in an attempt to restrain them, to no avail. Then an officer rushes in to help the teacher, grabbing the student in orange from behind, he slams her to the ground. A thud is heard as her head hits the tile floor.

The 15-year-old student was later taken to the hospital, reportedly to treat a concussion. Her parents have expressed outrage at the excessive force that was used against their daughter.

The Sherman Police Department identified the officer involved as Sgt. Kevin Garbacik, saying they are investigating the whole incident and not just the officer. He is still on the force, according to KXII.


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