Enjoy all the online Hindi songs and Full Hindi movies on your one stop for Movie TeeV. Subscribe Movie TeeV channel for Unlimited Hindi Movies,Songs and lots more of Entertainment :http://goo.gl/ztT8jL All the Best Scenes from Super Hit Movie 'Aitbaar' : 1) Jaideep Blackmails to Vikram -0:00
2) Conversation Between Jaideep and Vikram - 3:09
3)Jaideep and Neha Goes to Party-- 8:02
4) Neha Gives Money to Blackmailer -11:48
5) Sagar Comes to Neha's House - 15:40 6) Neha Kills Vikram - 18:28
7) Neha is in Court - 21:42
Aitbaar (1985) thriller action movie directed by Mukul Anand. Aitbaar is
2) Conversation Between Jaideep and Vikram - 3:09
3)Jaideep and Neha Goes to Party-- 8:02
4) Neha Gives Money to Blackmailer -11:48
5) Sagar Comes to Neha's House - 15:40 6) Neha Kills Vikram - 18:28
7) Neha is in Court - 21:42
Aitbaar (1985) thriller action movie directed by Mukul Anand. Aitbaar is
Short film