• 9 years ago
Enjoy all the online Hindi songs and Full Hindi movies on your one stop for Movie TeeV. Subscribe Movie TeeV channel for Unlimited Hindi Movies,Songs and lots more of Entertainment :http://goo.gl/ztT8jL All the Best Scenes from Super Hit Movie 'Aitbaar' : 1) Jaideep Blackmails to Vikram -0:00
2) Conversation Between Jaideep and Vikram - 3:09
3)Jaideep and Neha Goes to Party-- 8:02
4) Neha Gives Money to Blackmailer -11:48
5) Sagar Comes to Neha's House - 15:40 6) Neha Kills Vikram - 18:28
7) Neha is in Court - 21:42
Aitbaar (1985) thriller action movie directed by Mukul Anand. Aitbaar is
