• 6 years ago
LUEDJI LUNA performs the song "BANHO DE FOLHAS" for BalconyTV.
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Luedji Luna was born in the city of Salvador, BA.

Singer and songwriter with influences of jazz and MPB, was one of a songwriters collective MOVA. Began her studies at Escola Baiana de Canto Popular belonged to Ana Paula Albuquerque. Was member of "Bando Cumatê", collective that promote the traditional expressions of Brazilian culture.

Since 2011 played recitals in major venues in Salvador, and sang in bars of Rio Vermelho, bohemian neighborhood of this city. She won the regional stage of the French Song Festival, achievement of the Alliance Française in 2013.

In short season in 2014 in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, she attended the Sarau Black, organized by Mombasa Momba, singer and songwriter from Rio, partner of artists as Mart'nália. The project aims to meet composers and african-Brazilian poets, with the first aim to highlight, celebrate and reveal the literary-musical production of black composers.

The same occasion, still in Rio de Janeiro, Luedji opens the show of Teka Baluthy and their invited Késia Estacio and Juliana Diniz, into the "Focus MPB" project.

In 2015, living in Sao Paulo she performed at the fashion event "Casa dos Criadores" singing in the fashion show of stylist Isaac Silva.

Currently, Luedji is in pre-production of her first album, which features the production of Sebastian Notini, Swedish musician living in Brazil, producer of the last two discs of Tiganá Santana and the acclaimed "Mama Kalunga" of Virginia Rodrigues.

Also produces her first show "Immigrant" in July, in Sao Paulo, which deals with the recent theme of immigration of Haitians, Africans and Latinos to the city of Sao Paulo.

The song 'Banho de Folhas' is composed by Luedji Luna and Emillie Lapa.

Luedji Luna - vocal/reco-reco
Emillie Lapa - guitar
Bruno Oliveira - sax

Luedji Luna
Listen 'Banhos de Lua' unplugged - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Whw02xYUkk/


Production, Booking & Script: UK Live Sessions Music Entertainment Projects & PR
Cam-op: Keila Antunes and Caue Patucci
Mixer Engineer & Music Production: Rafael DG - Audmo
Presenter: David Ferreira *Lucky Lupe
Photographers: Keila Antunes and Caue Patucci
View Location: Centro Cultural São Paulo - http://www.centrocultural.sp.gov.br/

Centro Cultural São Paulo - http://www.centrocultural.sp.gov.br/

Equipment by Nikon - http://www.nikon.com.br

Beverages by Bier & Wein - http://www.bierwein.com.br/
Feel Good Tea and Sufresh by Wow Nutrition - http://www.wownutrition.com.br/
Catering Tyrrell's by Latinex - http://www.latinex.com.br/

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