• il y a 10 ans
Mr. Brainwash: from Hollywood to Garges-lès-Gonesse
Since the success of the Oscar-nominated film ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop’, Mr. Brainwash has become a bona fide Street Art pop star. His larger-than-life persona has appeared on all the American talk shows, the likes of Jay Z and Rick Ross are falling over themselves to work with him, and his paintings and creations are to be found in the four corners of the globe. The man behind this success story is Thierry Guetta, a council-estate boy through and through, born in Sarcelles and raised in Garges-lès-Gonesse, two towns on the outskirts of Paris.

Clique and Mouloud Achour take Mr. Brainwash back to the place where he grew up. The neighbourhood has changed, but he hasn’t. Here, we see the man laid bare. No showmanship, just emotion. He opens up about his relationship with art and the controversy that surrounds him, touching on subjects including Michael Jackson and Rick Ross along the way. He also tells us what Banksy is really like, and even claims the man himself was present while we were filming. Can you spot him?

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Après le film « Faites Le Mur » nommé aux Oscars, Mr. Brainwash est devenu une véritable pop star du Street Art. Son personnage « Bigger Than Life » hante les talks shows américains, les artistes comme Jay Z ou Rick Ross se l’arrachent et Brainwash a étalé ses peintures et ses créations aux quatre coins du monde. Derrière cette success story, il y a Thierry Guetta, pur produit de banlieue né à Sarcelles et qui a grandi à Garges-lès-Gonesse.

Clique et Mouloud Achour font revenir Mr. Brainwash là où il a grandi. Le quartier a changé, mais pas lui. Il nous offre ici un authentique moment de vérité, où le show laisse place à l’émotion. De ses rapports avec l’art à la controverse qui l’entoure en passant par Michael Jackson ou encore Rick Ross : il raconte tout. Il évoque aussi la véritable nature de Banksy, selon lui présent lors du tournage… À vous de le déceler…

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