How l Lost 30 Pounds - My Weight Loss Journey

  • 9 years ago
The decision to lose weight is really the hardest part. This isn't about wanting to lose weight, but about really deciding that you are now ready to make the commitment to lose weight. So, once that decision is made, you then need to decide how to you are going to lose the weight. There are a lot of weight loss diets and programs available to you, but I want to share a few tips on how to make losing weight a little easier.

First, keep eating! Yes, keep eating. You many lose weight if you cut way back on food, but you are only trading one problem for another. It's what you are eating that is the problem. So, take an inventory of what your normally eat, and figure out what "good" food you can swap that "bad" food for. If you really love sweet food, take a look at different fruits that can satisfy that sweet tooth, but are much healthier for you. Yes, fruits have natural sugars, so everything in moderation, right? But you will find that, if committed, you will get some sweet satisfaction from the fruit and it will help you avoid the candy.

Second... drink water! I know you have heard this a lot, but it's time to make a commitment to water. If you are drinking drinks with a lot of sugar, you already know what that is doing to your waistline. Your body needs water to survive, so start substituting water for what you are now drinking. But, even better, drink a full glass of water before a meal. This will fill you up and you won't eat as much. If you really crave something flavored to drink, get flavored water with little or no calories in it.

Third... walk! Again, you already have heard this a lot, but it is really something easy you can do. If you can take a walk before or after work, great. But if you can't fit that into your schedule, there are other ways to get walking into your day. My favorite easy way is to park in the last spot in a parking lot. Then I have to walk all the way to the entrance of the building. This is so easy to do, doesn't take much more time than parking close, and I get some walking in. Also, take the stairs instead of the elevator, really, take the stairs. Even one flight will add that extra bit of exercise to your day. Again, it is easy and quick and you will be making your weight loss a little easier!

Do you agree that these three things can make your weight loss a little easier? This isn't to suggest that you can reach your goal weight with just these three activities, but the idea is to add some easy things to your weight loss plan. If this seems too much, just pick one. The point is to make that decision to lose weight, and then figure out the best weight loss plan and activities to reach your goal.
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