Facebook Tests Video Feed To Sidestep YouTube With Friendly Discovery

  • 9 years ago
Facebook is where you watch videos you weren't looking for.
And now it's looking to supercharge discovery through friends via a slew of new feature tests including a dedicated Video feed with separate channels for clips shared by friends, Pages you Like, Trending videos on Facebook, clips you've Saved, or videos you've already watched.
The Videos feed creates a lean-back, non-stop viewing experience that's perfect for the couch, and that complements the sporadic viewing of clips found in the main News Feed.
You scroll down through the channels, and horizontally through different clips in each channel.
Facebook tells me "We can totally imagine bringing it to other platforms" like smart TVs.
The Video feed joins several other discovery features and tests Facebook's been trying over the last two years, including Suggested Videos, docked picture-in-picture videos for multi-tasking, and an option to Save videos for later.


