• 9 years ago
Jordan is home to hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and is struggling to cope as international aid falls short. The kingdom must also guard against Islamist terrorist groups. euronews has been in Amman to talk to King Abdullah, an exclusive interview.

Isabelle Kumar, euronews: “You mentioned that Syrians are leaving, going over to Europe as conditions deteriorate here. We are also hearing that some Syrians are choosing to return to Syria because they are losing hope. Do you get concerned sometimes that despite everything you have done, you might end up on the wrong side of history when it comes to this crisis?”

Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein: “I think the issue of refugees arriving on the shores of Europe has been a wake-up call for all of us that we have to have better coordination. If we take one step back, what we have been talking about up until this point is, obviously, about this global war against terror. Europe is suffering from foreign fighters. This is an issue that w


