Surya Namaskar For Beauty | Sun Salutation Exercise | Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

Yog Sadhana Tamil

by Yog Sadhana Tamil

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a form of yoga posture that is very beneficial for maintaining a good equilibrium in the body.

Meaning :

Surya means Sun and Namaskar means Salutation. It is usually done in the early mornings.

Technique :
There are ten postures to perform Surya Namaskar -
First stand with feet together facing the sun and folding the hands hold them close to your chest.
Now raise your arms over your head with palms together such that the biceps touch the ears. Now bend back and form an arch from hands to feet at the same time stretching the abdomen.
Keep the palms on the sides of the feet, bend forward, and exhale with the knees and head as straight as possible.
Keeping the palms on the floor lower the hips and stretch the left leg back and the right leg bent and be in a crouching position. Raise the head up and balance the body on the toes.
Take your left leg back beside your right leg. Keeping the hands on the ground raise the hip and bring your head down facing in the navel and now exhale.
Hold the breath and bring your chest, toes and knees down along with the forehead.
Keep the palms on the floor and the elbows a little bent. Stretch the whole body near the ground with the face downwards and the hips a little high. Bring your waist down, raise the upper torso looking upwards, and keep arms straight. Inhale.
Raise the hips high , with palms on the floor look at your navel. Exhale.
Keep the palms on the ground and bring down the hips. Now stretch the right leg behind and the leg left bent in a crouching position. Raise the head up and all the entire body to balance on the toes.
Bend forward, keep the palms on the sides of the feet, and exhale.
With the palms together raise your arm over your head and touch the ears. Bend back and form an arch from the hands to the feet. Stretch your abdomen.
Stand with feet together and folding hands bring them again closer to your chest.

Benefits :
It is a very good form of yoga that helps to enhance overall performance and enhances beaut.