"Baumkuchen with Banana Flambé"
This recipe transforms a store-bought baumkuchen into a hearty dessert in just a few short steps. By all means, please try with some ice cream as well.
*Recipe* (using an 11cm baumkuchen)
1. Coat baumkuchen with maple syrup.
2. Heat 25g of sugar (granulated or a similar type) and 1/2 tbsp of water in a small saucepan.
3. Boil the sugar and water down while shaking the saucepan back and forth. Once it reaches a deep brown color, spread it thinly over the baumkuchen. (If seared well, this will give it a crisp, crunchy finish.)
4. Chop two small bananas (including the skins, the bananas used here weighed about 125g each) into round slices, about 1cm thick.
5. Heat 3g of butter (a little less than 1 tsp) in a frying pan, and add the banana.
6. Shake 14g of granulated sugar (1 tbsp) over the bananas, and allow them to brown.
7. Add 15g of rum or brandy (1 tbsp) to the bananas and flambé.
8. Add flambéed bananas to the center of the baumkuchen.
9. We find it especially delicious when enjoyed with hot coffee.
After a while the bananas will release some moisture, so it's best to place the cake on a slightly indented plate.
ツイッター https://twitter.com/mosogourmet
市販のバームクーヘンに一手間かけて おもてなしデザートにするレシピです。ぜひ、アイスクリームもそえてくださいね。
2.小鍋に砂糖 25g(グラニュー糖など)と水 大さじ1/2を入れ、火にかける。
4.小さめのバナナ 2本(今回は1本当たり皮も含んで125gでした)を1センチほどの厚さの輪切りにする。
5.フライパンにバター 3g(小さじ1弱)を熱し、4を入れる。
6.5にグラニュー糖 14g(大さじ1)を振り入れ、焼き色を付ける。
7.6にラム酒またはブランデー 15g(大さじ1)を入れフランベする。
This recipe transforms a store-bought baumkuchen into a hearty dessert in just a few short steps. By all means, please try with some ice cream as well.
*Recipe* (using an 11cm baumkuchen)
1. Coat baumkuchen with maple syrup.
2. Heat 25g of sugar (granulated or a similar type) and 1/2 tbsp of water in a small saucepan.
3. Boil the sugar and water down while shaking the saucepan back and forth. Once it reaches a deep brown color, spread it thinly over the baumkuchen. (If seared well, this will give it a crisp, crunchy finish.)
4. Chop two small bananas (including the skins, the bananas used here weighed about 125g each) into round slices, about 1cm thick.
5. Heat 3g of butter (a little less than 1 tsp) in a frying pan, and add the banana.
6. Shake 14g of granulated sugar (1 tbsp) over the bananas, and allow them to brown.
7. Add 15g of rum or brandy (1 tbsp) to the bananas and flambé.
8. Add flambéed bananas to the center of the baumkuchen.
9. We find it especially delicious when enjoyed with hot coffee.
After a while the bananas will release some moisture, so it's best to place the cake on a slightly indented plate.
ツイッター https://twitter.com/mosogourmet
市販のバームクーヘンに一手間かけて おもてなしデザートにするレシピです。ぜひ、アイスクリームもそえてくださいね。
2.小鍋に砂糖 25g(グラニュー糖など)と水 大さじ1/2を入れ、火にかける。
4.小さめのバナナ 2本(今回は1本当たり皮も含んで125gでした)を1センチほどの厚さの輪切りにする。
5.フライパンにバター 3g(小さじ1弱)を熱し、4を入れる。
6.5にグラニュー糖 14g(大さじ1)を振り入れ、焼き色を付ける。
7.6にラム酒またはブランデー 15g(大さじ1)を入れフランベする。