発売中「あっ! 妄想グルメだ! なにコレ!?と見て食べて驚くレシピ 」http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4040679067
We made curry that looks like a dam. At first the curry was too thick and wouldn't run so we had to thin it out. Unfortunately our camera went out of focus during the epic drainage scene...
*Recipe*(Makes 8 servings)
1.Mince 2 onions, one carrot, and one clove of garlic. Cut 300g of chicken into bite-sized pieces.
2.Heat a pan and melt 2 tbsp of butter, then add the garlic and heat until it releases an aroma.
3.Add the onion and heat until it becomes a light amber color.
4.Add the chicken along with salt and pepper, and cook until it starts to brown.
5.Add in the carrot and cook until it starts to change color.
6.Add 1200ml of water.
7.Add one tomato and one bay leaf.
8.Stew for 30 minutes and remove the skin from the tomato.
9.Turn off the heat and add 200g of curry roux.
10.Turn heat back on again and add 1 tbsp of sou sauce, 1 tbsp of Worcester sauce, 1 tbsp of honey, and one piece of chocolate. Stew for 15 minutes.
11.Boil 8 okra in salt water
12.Cut one Japanese eggplant into round pieces, soak in water to remove bitterness, dry, and then cook in olive oil
13.Plate with white rice, curry, okra, eggplant and mini tomato
1.玉ねぎ 2個、にんじん 1本、にんにく ひとかけ をみじん切りにし、鶏もも肉 300gはひとくち大に切る。
2.鍋を熱し、バター 大さじ2を溶かし、1のにんにくを入れ、香りが出るまで炒める。
6.水 1200mlを入れる。
7.トマト 1個とローリエの葉っぱ 1枚も入れる。
9.火を止め、カレールー 200gを入れ溶かす。
10.再び、火をつけ しょうゆ 大さじ1、ソース 大さじ1、はちみつ 大さじ1、チョコレート ひとかけを入れ、15分煮る。
11.オクラ 8本を塩茹でする。
12.ナス 1本は輪切りにし、水につけアク抜きしてから水気を拭き取り、オリーブオイルで焼く。
We made curry that looks like a dam. At first the curry was too thick and wouldn't run so we had to thin it out. Unfortunately our camera went out of focus during the epic drainage scene...
*Recipe*(Makes 8 servings)
1.Mince 2 onions, one carrot, and one clove of garlic. Cut 300g of chicken into bite-sized pieces.
2.Heat a pan and melt 2 tbsp of butter, then add the garlic and heat until it releases an aroma.
3.Add the onion and heat until it becomes a light amber color.
4.Add the chicken along with salt and pepper, and cook until it starts to brown.
5.Add in the carrot and cook until it starts to change color.
6.Add 1200ml of water.
7.Add one tomato and one bay leaf.
8.Stew for 30 minutes and remove the skin from the tomato.
9.Turn off the heat and add 200g of curry roux.
10.Turn heat back on again and add 1 tbsp of sou sauce, 1 tbsp of Worcester sauce, 1 tbsp of honey, and one piece of chocolate. Stew for 15 minutes.
11.Boil 8 okra in salt water
12.Cut one Japanese eggplant into round pieces, soak in water to remove bitterness, dry, and then cook in olive oil
13.Plate with white rice, curry, okra, eggplant and mini tomato
1.玉ねぎ 2個、にんじん 1本、にんにく ひとかけ をみじん切りにし、鶏もも肉 300gはひとくち大に切る。
2.鍋を熱し、バター 大さじ2を溶かし、1のにんにくを入れ、香りが出るまで炒める。
6.水 1200mlを入れる。
7.トマト 1個とローリエの葉っぱ 1枚も入れる。
9.火を止め、カレールー 200gを入れ溶かす。
10.再び、火をつけ しょうゆ 大さじ1、ソース 大さじ1、はちみつ 大さじ1、チョコレート ひとかけを入れ、15分煮る。
11.オクラ 8本を塩茹でする。
12.ナス 1本は輪切りにし、水につけアク抜きしてから水気を拭き取り、オリーブオイルで焼く。