Mental Math Addition Trick: See The Difference, A Comparison For Addition 1

  • 8 years ago
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The mental math techniques involved in this video is for adding two numbers to each other without having to carry over a value whenever required. The video also showcase the differences between using standard math taught in schools and mental math regarding addition for some computations.

The video begins with how standard math is used to solve a math problem. Here is the basic flow of standard math for adding two numbers.

1) Start from the right of both numbers (ones digits of the numbers) and add the digits together.
2) If the sum is 10 or more, keep the ones/units digit of the sum and carry the tens digit to the next addition procedure.
3) Keep moving left and add the digits in the next place value and repeat (2) if necessary and continue left until the last digits in the leftmost or last place value has been added.
4) Arrive at the answer.

Two mental math addition techniques are presented in the video and a summary is given at the end (for all comparison videos between standard and mental math).

One of the benefits of these mental math addition tricks is that carrying a value to another procedure is totally eliminated. These math tricks overall are efficient regardless if the numbers are added manually with pen/pencil and paper or through mental computations.

The mental math tricks or techniques are not shown in detail but summaries of how the math problem is solved are provided. The first mental math trick emphasis place values or partial sums for computing the answer. Base amounts are also considered in some parts.

The second mental math technique is specific for only certain types of numbers but is applicable here because the numbers satisfy the condition. This technique is very effective under the right situations.

Be sure to watch the whole video as a summary at the end is given for both the stand and mental math techniques.

Mental Math Addition Trick

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