Mental Math Multiplication Trick: Compare Standard And Mental Math 1

  • 8 years ago
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This video shows a comparison between one of the easiest but very effective mental math techniques for multiplying two-digit numbers close to 100 but slightly 100 to each other and standard math for multiplication. With this mental math technique, it takes only seconds to solve for the answer.

Many mental math multiplication techniques exist, and this is a method designed for multiplying two very specific types of numbers together. If the numbers meet the conditions of the technique, solving for the answers requires little effort.

The technique is broken in two separate parts with each part containing a portion of the final answer. The parts require math basics such as addition/ subtraction and multiplication.

Multiplying two numbers together in standard math is a general math process of multiplication and can be applied similarity for when two numbers need to be multiplied to each other and works well when performed on paper with pen/pencil. This means the arithmetic processes are essentially the same in very case and hat can be a good thing to a certain extent. However, if the system is too rigid, it does not encourage logical thinking and is one of the reasons the methods remain unchanged.

Mental math consists of general methods as well as specific ones such as the one in the video, which makes solving the answer faster not because of a trick but through understanding how numbers interact with each other and other numbers for improving the arithmetic process.

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