• 9 years ago
High schools everywhere have a high school Spirit Day in which they celebrate to raise spirits! Every year, Sacred Heart High School in Yonkers, NY has a high school Spirit Day, a day set aside for students and teachers to come together and participate in an old school round of games and activities. The students are divided up into four colored teams and pay money to dress down and participate, and the origins are very humble. About 8 years ago, retired secretary Monica Keane’s young niece was diagnosed with leukemia. Despite being a small school of 400 students, SHHS managed to come together and put on this event to give back. Money raised from the event went directly to Livi, Keane’s then four-year-old niece.

Now many years and students later, the spirit of the school is still alive as students and teachers continue to pay it forward with generosity and kindness that the community prides on. While students have had to contribute $2-4 in the past for actual Spirit Day to dress down, they now pay $10 for the entire Spirit Day, which this year included Crazy Sock/Hat Day, Twin Day, Jersey Day and the annual Faculty vs. Senior Volleyball Game before leading to this Friday’s Spirit Day. This is a school with about 400 students; if everyone participates, that’s around $4000. All the proceeds go directly to the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society. As for Livi, she is now 17-years-old and resides in upstate New York near Cortland.
