ONEHALF Offshore Business Solutions - Telemarketing Services

  • 8 years ago | We’ll handle inbound and outbound sales for you. Results guaranteed!


In a call center, telemarketing is one of the most popular jobs outsourced. This is not surprising as it is far more cost-effective as compared to finding and hiring the right people to do sales.

When you choose to take advantage of our cost-effective outsourcing, you can be sure that your company would be able to reach out to a huge amount of customers in your preferred area or anywhere in the world. If you have products and services, our agents would be more than happy to market these to your current customers and even reach out to potential ones. Right away, you would know if your market may be interested in what you are offering them, thus it saves you time and resources.

It's quick! It's easy! You can start now!

Our company’s telemarketing services include:

Inbound and Outbound Collections
Inbound Telemarketers / Sales
Outbound Appointment Setting / Lead Generation
Outbound Sales
Outbound Survey

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