Sleeping Habits to Help you Stay Active All Day

  • 6 years ago

Dozing off at work? You must be wondering why.
Here are some habits you probably thought to be harmless;
1. Using mobile devices before sleep.
Using your phone isn’t inherently bad but using them excessively before bedtime is. Bright screens and interactive activities on your phones effectively suppress melatonin. A chemical that makes us feel drowsy.
2. Being stressed before bed time.
Having an active mind, problematizing about the things that happened during the day will only make it difficult for you to relax and enjoy the comfort of your bed. You wouldn’t want dark circles appearing around your eyes now would you?
3. Drinking alcohol before bed.
Contrary to what most people believe that alcohol helps you sleep better, it actually stops you from going into REM sleep, effectively cutting off your sleeping cycle. This is the reason why we feel groggy and dehydrated in the morning.
Now that we know the effects and what disrupts your sleep routine, here are some few tips to help you make the most of your slumber and be active the next day;
1. Fix your bedroom.
Having a bedroom that is appealing to the senses. A clean, cold, and dark bedroom triggers the brain to release melatonin.
2. Have a little workout routine in the morning or afternoon.
You don’t have to go all in and work out for an hour. Just a 20 minute exercise can help your body feel naturally tired and thus improve sleep quality.
3. Follow your routine.
Having a consistent timeline for your sleep, workouts, meals and office works help your body set its rhythm. This greatly decreases your chances of catching all the negative effects of sleep deprivation. Including being caught by your boss while sleeping at work.

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