Gucci the mistreated cockatoo gets a second chance

  • 8 năm trước
Gucci the mistreated cockatoo gets a second chance
Heartwarming video shows Gucci the featherless bird dancing with joy as he listens to music with new owner who saved him

Gucci, a mistreated cockatoo, filmed dancing along to Some Nights by Fun
He pulled out all his feathers after his previous owners caused him stress
New owner Kurter Barnett uploaded the video to Instagram on Tuesday

A mistreated bird has captured the hearts of users across social media after he was filmed shaking his tail feather with his new owner.
In one video uploaded to Instagram on Tuesday, Gucci the cockatoo can be seen dancing along to Some Nights by Fun along with his new owner Kurter Barnett from Canada.
Gucci was left with no feathers on his body after his previous owners caused him so much stress that he pulled them out.
Kurter uploaded two other videos of the dancing cockatoo to his Instagram, one features Gucci dancing to 'The Way You Want Me' by Lucky Rose, the other shows him dancing to the Justin Bieber song, 'Baby'.

Gucci seems to have moved on from his traumatic experience, while he still has no feathers that doesn’t seem to stop him from getting his groove on.
The video starts as Gucci perches on Kurter’s shoulder with a flavoured rice cracker in his beak, bobbing his head along to the music of Fun.
‘You don’t know if you’re eating or dancing,’ Kurter tells the bird.

After a few more head bangs, Gucci eventually makes up his mind, stashing the cracker on Kurters head.
Now unburdened from the cracker, Gucci is free to really show off his moves.
He rocks his head back and forth, and begins bobbing his head vigorously in time with the music as Kurter sings along.
The original video already has over 165,000 views since it was uploaded on July 5, with a version shared by Unilads Facebook page on Thursday having been viewed nearly two million times.
Kurter has uploaded two other videos of the dancing cockatoo to his Instagram, one features Gucci dancing to 'The Way You Want Me' by Lucky Rose.
The second video shows off the birds love for Justin Bieber, as he dances to the pop-star's hit song, 'Baby'.

The original video already has over 165,000 views since it was uploaded on July 5, with a version shared by Unilad on Thursday having been viewed nearly two million times
Friends forever: Kurter rescued Gucci from his previous owners who caused him so much stress that he pulled his feathers out

Tag: Gucci ,mistreated ,cockatoo ,chance,bird ,dancing ,listens

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