This Is How Hot It Is In Saudi Arabia

  • 8 năm trước
Lizard Runs For The Shade In Saudi Arabia
Hot lizard's awkward sprint towards the shade
This Is How Hot It Is In Saudi Arabia
This Is How Hot Saudi Arabia Is Today
A lizard sprints across the desert to escape the hot sand
This Is How Hot Saudi Arabia Is Today

Despite the determination of certain political figures (not saying any names but it rhymes with Mauline Manson) to create divides between people of different races and faiths, there are some things that can be relied on to bring us back together – hot sand.

What difference is there between racing across a burning beach for a Calippo and racing across the burning sands of a desert for some soothing shade like the lizard in this video?

Nothing, we tell you. And the 6000-plus Reddit users upvoting this footage agree with us.

We must admit, the determination of that little reptile is admirable. That's a long distance to cover and it didn't even have the benefit of a pair of thongs to protect its scaly feet. But the relief when it finally reaches the cool spot to hang out with some other locals is palpable.

Someone give that lizard a drink, stat.

This Lizard Will Give You A Good Idea Of Just How Hot It Is In The Desert
A spiny-tailed lizard running into humans to get some shadow in Saudi Arabia where Temp gets up to 50°C
Tags: Hot ,Saudi Arabia

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