Rambo I'm Coming To Get You

  • 8 years ago
ITT: Reddit Pedo Defence Force in action. This shit is why SRS exists.
[]We're done working for your amusement.
[]Arial Blep.
[]that she wants to make it sexual and or uncomfortable for the male employee
[]also the quantization of matter and energy has been experimentally verified many times and is very far from being "ad hoc"
[]There is no way this should be getting legitimate upvotes, wonder if they're brigading or buying votes for this.
[]I'm in the US, and TIL that cigarette machines are a thing.
[]Kind people that aren't dicks are highest and equal of value. The fuck do I care how retarded you are or how many lives you can save, don't be a dick.
[]Thanks for the history lesson, still doesn't change the fact that the Dutch were absolute pricks to Africans.
[]I work in a meat department, in a grocery store. I was asked how come we don't sell veggie burgers in the meat department, and if we could make some of they order any.
Please tell me you're 8 years old.
LOL, no! You need to add about 50 years to get my age. It was back in the early 1970's that they had the wired remote.

[]This is the one.
[]I was propositioned by an EXTREMELY overweight prostitute on the green.

I just like that story.
[]I work on death row and one of our killers scratches on the walls at all hours of the night.
[]My hair starts to curl into my ears. Does not feel pleasant to a ticklish person.
[]Sorry I'm quite new to reddit not sure about the right sub for this. Found this in my garage looking dry and not moving. Put it in some water/stones and he or she had perked up. What else can I do to help the poor thing? Food?
[]Really? This dog was found in a garbage dump because someone let their dog loose an it got pregnant. They were found on Red Lake Indian Reservation, at 3-4wks old..in a dump...

The dogs mix because people don't watch them or are intelligent enough to spay/neuter them, so they get out and mix with whatever they find.

I'm sorry but this comment was really stupid lol
[]Sleep music selection? Gotta take a look at that, thanks!
[]This isn't entirely accurate. The first TV remote controls were most people kids in the 70's.

Source, my Dad - "Steve, channel three"
[]Did she have to a pay a restocking fee?
[]Late to the party, but I always thought GG (Good Game) stood for Ji Ji which means dick in Chinese. I always thought that people were just calling each other dicks when they lost.
[]I have to ask for a four digit security pin or the last four digits of the customer's social security number to access their information. I silently cringe when they don't specify which one they've given me because the wrong number in the wrong field logs me out. It takes four employee passwords for me to get back in. The rage is real.
[]Yeah, and it's also annoying that their stupid notification covers my lock screen all the time!

[]Its is my life

Bon Jovi
