• 9 years ago
A business can reject cash even if it is "legal tender for all debts public and private."

.. this statement means that the only circumstance when someone must accept the bill is when a person owes the business a debt. If no debt has been incurred, a person or business is not legally required to take U.S. currency.

[] Gmail, wikipedia, google.
[] CoD is more like the Fisher Price of videogames than the Comic Sans I think.
[] many years ago I saw a clip of a rally car in Australia. Car came over a small ridge and went airborne for 100 feet or so and landed on a sheep. The sheep was vaporized and the interior of the car exploded into a red mist.

All I could think was at least the sheep didn't suffer.
[] Lets be honest, it's Floridas fault for being there
[] Speak for yourself, I want that crazy Star Trek whoosh door money.
[] OK, I've never eaten shit outright or brushed my teeth with it from a tube, but based on the smell is have to say cat shit toothpaste is way worse than rabbit.
[] Classic Kubrick.
[] Yes it's real. Most coffee machines at work are mediocre.
[] James Cameron disagrees.
[] "How much more will this iPod weigh when I've filled it with music?" He did not believe me when I explained that it didn't change weight. This was the early days of MP3-players tho.

After 10 years in retail I barely react anymore when people say batshit crazy things.
[] Merkel is a cunt.
[] Basically you'll find it easier get over this nonsense as you age. You're a teenager. Your brain is still developing and you're still learning how to deal with your basic emotions, let alone negative emotions caused by other people.

Just allow yourself to grow and mature.
[] It was not supernatural. It was unrealistic a lot of the time, but that's not the same thing.
[] Money doesn't buy you happiness directly... but it goes a long way towards getting you there.

I was depressed a bit in the past.... working 50 hours a week in a shit job that you hate certainly doesn't help on that front.

Now if I don't want to do something I simply won't do it. Money gives you that freedom at least. If I want to spend all day walking my dogs in the hills, I will. So money can't buy you happiness outright but it can free you up from day to day shit you can't be bothered with.
[] As much as im against her forcing her views on her pet, you really had no business telling her that, its really unprofessional.
[] Oooh....'member Star Wars!
[] Hey, thats not true, but true at the same time
[] I just wanted to tell you that nobody likes you and you're adopted.
[] Female waterpolo players. Feel bad because they're just doing a sport they enjoy and probably don't want to feel objectified or sexualised.
[] I bet this guy fact checks Facebook posts! Pffft!
[] Everyone else feels like there some other awkward guy that every school kind of has. The guy who plays rugby every day with the lads is worried that he just can't seem to have a stable relationship and he wonders if it's him, or the guy who makes everyone laugh in class and never does his work is convinced that he could never make it in school anyway.
[] I'm charmed to fucking bits by things like this.
[] They work for their intended use, you pay more for something you know will do what you want it to. And they are overpriced.
[] For the car. Fuel, insurance and tires.


