• 8 years ago
KUWAIT CITY, KUWAIT — Police in Kuwait have arrested a woman who filmed her Ethiopian maid falling from the seventh floor of a building last Thursday.

An unnamed woman noticed her Ethiopian maid hanging from the window ledge, but did not attempt to help. Instead, she took out her phone to record the scene, Kuwait Times reported.

It is unclear why the maid was hanging from the window ledge to begin with, but the Kuwait Times suggests she was initially trying to kill herself. Meanwhile, it seems like her employer was more interested in recording the incident than rescuing her maid.

The maid eventually lost her grip and plunged seven stories, but miraculously survived after landing on a metal roof, resulting in only a broken arm, a bloody nose and injured ear, she was later rushed to Mubarak Hospital for treatment.

Kuwait's Ministry of Justice has filed two charges against maid’s employer for filming an individual and publishing the footage of an individual without their consent, CNN reported.

The incident has renewed discussions over the treatment of domestic workers in Arab nations, where many maids and helpers have spoken out about abuse and owed wages that have not been paid.


