• 8 years ago
People who frequently smoke large amounts of cannabis may face a higher risk of reduced bone density and fractures, researchers suggest. In a study examining the effects of cannabis on body mass index, researchers from the University of Edinburgh determined heavy cannabis users are more likely to experience osteoporosis later in life. Heavy users in the study were defined as those who reported smoking cannabis on 5,000 occasions or more in their lifetime. Moderate users were defined as those who had used the drug around 1,000 times. However, the average heavy user reported smoking cannabis over 47,000 times. Researchers were surprised to find a lower body mass index in heavy users due to the drug's association with an uptick in appetite. Cannabis is considered to be illegal for use almost everywhere in the world. The National Institute on Drug Abuse ranks the drug as the most commonly-used illicit substance. It is typically associated with impaired short-term memory and decreased overall awareness.
