Teen’s bungee jump death blamed on instructor’s ‘terrible English’

  • 7 years ago
CABEZON DE LA SAL, SPAIN — Hearing the distinction between “No jump” and “Now jump” turned out to be the difference between life and death for a Dutch tourist bungee jumping in northern Spain back in August 2015. Now, the adventure sports company who organized the outing has been found liable for the fatal accident.

The last of her group of 13 to take the plunge, Vera Mol, 17, thought her harness was secured to the cord when she leapt off a bridge into a gorge in Cantabria. To the horror of everyone involved, it was not. This past week, a court ruled that the bungee instructor’s “terrible English” was what led to her nightmarish end, and the director of the company is facing prosecution for homicide through negligence.

In addition, judges pointed out that Vera was under the legal age to participate, and bungee jumping from that particular highway viaduct is expressly prohibited. As reported by EuropaPress, the ruling states the correct terminology the instructor meant to use was “Don’t jump,” which supposedly could have prevented this entire situation. The appeal judge explained his proficiency in English made him unqualified to be instructing foreigners “jumping into the void from an elevated point.”


