Original Song | Sans Telos

  • 6 years ago
“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
This song was inspired by the thought that the sole function of any art is merely to exist as it is. It has no practicality beyond its existence and identity. What a freeing concept if humans could be so unapologetically existent! If we had the audacity to demand validity by our very nature of being, we might be much more content.

This song also has a bit of humor by mixing up french and greek word segments. I didn’t like the sound of using the greek form of “without”. It didn’t seem to fit artistically. It was too clinical. My mind seemed to keep going back to the french form of the word. But I knew I definitely wanted the punchline of the song to be the greek concept of teleology. It seemed weird to mix languages in a phrase like that, but I decided to take counsel from the concept itself and not make excuses for the process of creation. I rolled with it.

Here is the humor of it: if you reverse the forms of which part of the phrase is greek and which is french (using the greek prefix for “without” and the french adaptation of “telos”), “sans telos” turns into “atelier”. Atelier is a french word for an art studio or workshop.

Therefore, I find peace through the process of creation. I find peace without purpose. I find peace when I stop obsessing over potential outcomes. I find peace by living in the moment. I find peace without perfection. I find peace without end.

That is one example of wordplay in this song. There are many, many hidden pieces of linguistic humor, which approximately zero people care about other than myself, but it makes me happy, and that is telos enough for me.


i’ve been thinking too much
and not breathing enough
i’ve been thinking too much
about being enough

my heartstrings are iron
it’s hard to face the fire
the paths i walk Are shadowed
but this road is one that i know

meaning amplifies all else
being justifies itself
i find me in ethos
i find peace sans Telos

i’ve been reading too much
and not thinking Enough
i’ve been reading too much
into thinking enough

my heartstrings are iron
it’s hard to face the fire
the paths i walk are shadowed
but this road is one that i know

meaning ampLifies all else
being justifies Itself
i find me in ethos
i find peace sans telos

i’ve been talking too much
but not saying Enough
i’ve been talking too much
about hearing enough

my heartstrings are iron
it’s hard to face the fire
the paths i walk are shadowed
but this Road is one that i know

meaning amplifies all else
being justifies itself
i find me in ethos
i find peace sans telos


