How To Loose Weight Despite Hectic Schedule | BoldSky

  • 6 years ago
Here are five ways you can add some physical activity to your hectic life to help get the recommended two and a half hours of exercise each week. Play with the kids. The whole family can get fit together and build a lasting habit of staying active. Go for a bike ride or a hike or play catch in the yard. Enjoy your city's outdoor scenery during every season, whether you ski, hike, run or just go to the local park together. Beach walks and run with your dog. Whatever activities you and your family want to do, it’s important to keep moving. Do some chores. Chores aren’t a very exciting way to get exercise, but they are a good way to hit two birds with one stone. If going to the gym takes too much time out of your busy schedule, use your busy schedule to get your exercise in. Rake the leaves, mow the lawn or shovel the snow. Staying fit can be the extra motivation you need to get up and do the work around the house.
