People & Business - Why Karen Kavett Quit Her Job at YouTube

  • 6 years ago
Although she worked for just a year, she does acknowledge the company for the opportunity to learn new things. At Youtube she created mock-ups in Adobe Photoshop as part of her duties. These mock-ups are previews of how pages will look like before there are developed by the software engineers.

She however says she prefers to use the term ‘leave’ the company rather than quit. For the sceptics out there, she was not fired but decided to leave on her own. Leaving the company was based on several personal growth decisions.

She says, ‘I realise I care more about what is inside the flair than what is going on around it.’

The way forward for Karen, the bright young lady who left Youtube:

For her updated schedule, she plans to release two videos a week. These videos will be centred around graphic design, crafts and requests of viewers on her Youtube channel.

She is also signing her network with Big Frame which represents other Youtubers like Mr. Guitar Man, DeStorm Dave. They will be helping her to grow the channel further.

The other side of the coin is to do some freelance graphic design work. She has done some works for Tour de Nerd and the New York bestselling author John Green and his brother Hank Green.

For graphic design works made by Karen, you can contact her on

She also has a website, where you can view her DIY designs and other graphic design works.


