People & Business - How YK Sugishita Learned to Code

  • 6 years ago
YK Sugishita worked at Google in Montreal as a full-time software developer for about a year.

He admitted he enjoyed working there but also disclosed why he decided to leave the multibillionaire company to focus on his YouTube channel instead.

Interested facts, since many people will give an arm just to get a chance to work at a place like Google. With all the perks and benefits that come along with it.

It is a popular misconception that when someone abandons are a popular road to pursue something that’s deemed less beneficial like the case Sugishita, it's mostly because the individual was following their passion.

However, this wasn’t the case with YK Sugishita. According to him, when he left Google it was not to pursue his passion. But rather, what he was following was a gap he had found in the online market.

A gap you can believe was huge enough to get him to quit such a promising career as a full-time software developer for the second biggest company in the world.

Truth be told, Sugishita admitted that his real passion was for standup comedy. Therefore as far as passion goes, that what he would have been doing.

Sugishita however, has a very interesting story surrounding how he learned to code. Originally he studied statistics back in college and would have become quite a good statistician if not for his curiosity about algorithms.

So he basically thought himself how to code. Using online resources like Udemy and other eLearning platforms. Specializing in different major coding languages like python, ruby on rails, java and javascripts and etc.

Who best to teach you how to code and pass a software job interview like the man who did the two all by himself?

You can check out his YouTube channel at CS Dojo and he has a Udemy course too.


