• 6 years ago
13 Bizarre things that animals do that you wont believe from amazing empathetic elephants to herbivores becoming carnivores\r
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8. The Ichneumon Wasp\r
We can all collectively agree as a whole that wasps are just the worst and that Noah should have totally just swatted them when he had the chance, right? Well, theres one particular wasp that is just a nightmare incarnate; the Ichneumon wasp. This sick little thing enjoys spending its free time finding victims and implanting its eggs inside of it. Oh, thats not the worst part. The paralyzed victim then gets its digestive organs and fatty deposits ate while its still alive. This mostly happens to poor little caterpillars that never get the chance to become butterflies.\r
7. Army Ants\r
Ants can be vicious little pests depending on the species youre dealing with, however, they are pretty smart buggers that know the meaning of teamwork. Unfortunately, army ants are blind as a bat and so they rely on the smell of their neighbor to let them know which direction to go in. In some bizarre, yet hilarious cases, the chemical smell of the ants will accidently get looped into a circle. This causes the ants to aimlessly walk around in a circle and continue to do so until they die of exhaustion. \r
6. Cuckoo Birds\r
After hearing about this next bizarre behavior, youll know exly why these birds are referred to as cuckoo. For those of you that dont know, cuckoo birds are not only extremely lazy but they are also one of the most sneaky and conniving animals out there. A female cuckoo will sit and wait for the right moment when an unsuspecting bird will leave her nest and swoop right in. The cuckoo will not only lay her own egg in the nest, but shell also commit infanticide by rolling the other eggs out of the nest, making sure that her own baby will have a better chance of survival as its raised by the other bird. Definitely not parent of the year. \r
5. Piles Of Worms\r
It was back in mid-new when a strange phenomenon occurred at Eisenhower State Park in Texas. After getting some recent floodings, park officials noticed the piles of worms perfectly aligned and spaced out in a straight line in the middle of the road. This left officials puzzled and without a direct answer but they do have two theories that may offer an explanation. The first one is that they believe the heavy rain caused the worms to look for dryer areas on the pavement and left the wet soil. The other is that the worms mistook the sound of the rain as a predator and clumped together. There were no other reports of this happening in other Texas state parks.\r
4. Herbivores That Eat Meat\r
When you think of a herbivore you think of a nice, friendly animal that just grazes on grass and poses no serious threat, right? Well, you might want to rethink that assumption. Its been observed that certain herbivores such as sheep and cows are willing to overcome their nature to get a good meal. Yup, they will turn on their neighbor and feast on their flesh when their food source isnt enough to support them with all the nutrients that they require. Think about that the next time you go to a petting zoo. \r
3. Crows\r
Crows are often associated with death and are treated as bad omens if you come across one but if you do youd better stay on its good side. Why? Well, apparently crows have the unique ability to remember the faces of the people that they inter with. This was first discovered when scientists captured crows to conduct research and noticed that every time they walked into the lab the crows would taunt their captors. To avoid this, the scientists began wearing masks and realized that the crows were angry at them for imprisoning them. If thats not strange enough, the crows are able to pass their grudge onto their children. \r
2. Grieving Elephants\r
Elephants are for the most part known for being gentle giants but did you know that elephants are rather one of the most empathetic animals that currently exist? Yes, its true. When an elephant comes across the body of a fellow pachyderm, it will ually stay beside it for quite some time ually mourning the loss. Sometimes theyll even cover them with leaves, dirt, or branches. Not only that, but its also been observed that elephants, just like humans, will bury their dead and regularly come back to visit the gravesite. \r
1. The Pistol Shrimp\r
Whats interesting about this little creature is that certain species of pistol shrimp live in a symbiotic relationship with gobi fish, sharing the same burrow and each offering something to the other. The shrimp builds and cleans the burrow, while the fish s as the lookout for any sign of danger. They also have the ability to reverse


