• 7 years ago
There are 7.4 billion people on this earth, how many of them have you talked to? Robbie Stokes Jr. worked for Congress. After traveling and realizing his purpose was much greater, he quit his job to travel the world and talk to strangers.

In 2012, Robbie Stokes decided to follow his dreams and founded "I Talk To Strangers® (ITTS) Foundation", a social corporation and movement whose philosophy encourages and challenges individuals to create genuine relationships through meeting new people. By having conversations and building friendships, Robbie hopes to bring peace to the world. By Robbie's forward actions, he plans to cause a ripple effect and people around the world will become more friendly. Robbie has traveled meeting over 3% of the global population while documenting his journey through a soon-to-be-released documentary and book, along with participating as a speaker in numerous engagements around the world.

This weekend, he is holding a Peace Walk. It is a community event organized to bring cultures and communities together in conversation and reduce bullying and violence. People across the country are invited to take part in this Peace Walk. Together we can walk for peace and talk to strangers!

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HooplaHa is Only Good News. We believe that positivity can change lives and strive to be the voice of humanity that recognizes people are good & doing good things for mankind. We shine a light on individuals and organizations involved in this movement. Help us celebrate people filled with kindness, those overcoming adversity with grace & inspiration, and the good in life.
