馬來炒貴刁 - 車經 Char Kway Teow - Chasing Cars

  • 6年前

Gave me best shot on this Malaysian version of Char Kway Teow, and today's topic is about cars.

二人份量 For two people:
蒜三瓣 - 3 gloves of garlic
韭菜四條 - 4 sprigs of Chinese chives
芽菜適量 - a handful of beansprouts
菜脯數粒 - 10g of preserved radish
潮州魚片12片 - 12 slices of Chiu Chow fishcakes
臘腸一條 - 1 Chinese sausage
蝦八隻 - 8 prawns
雞蛋四隻 - 4 eggs
生抽醬油1/3杯 - 1/3 cup of light soy sauce
老抽黑醬油兩湯匙 - 2tbsp of dark soy sauce
Kecap Manis 甜醬油兩湯匙 - 2tbsp of Kecap Manis sweet soy sauce
蠔油一湯匙 - 1tbsp of oyster sauce
砂糖三茶匙 - 3 tsp of sugar
辣椒片少量 - pinch of chilli flakes
白胡椒粉少量 - pinch of white pepper
麻油少量 - few drops of sesame oil
