• 6 years ago

Two days after arriving in the city, Jesus gathered us to share with him our Passover meal -- remembered through the generations as the Last Supper.

That fateful night is etched forever in my memory.

Jesus recited our traditional blessings -- but in doing so, he transformed the bread which he broke, into his body which would be broken ...
and the wine which we drank, into his blood which would be spilled --
that sins may be forgiven.

He raised it, gave thanks, said this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant, to be shed for you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven.

As shocking as this was, more shocking still was when he said
that one among us would betray him.

I looked around the table, wondering who could ever do such a thing?

I didn't realize just how soon I would find out.

After the meal, we joined Jesus when he went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane - the place of the olive press .........

With no idea of the agony that tore him, or the events that was about to unfold,
some of us even fell asleep while we waited.

Suddenly, we were surrounded by Temple guards.
And Jesus was taken from us -- betrayed by a kiss ---
from Yehudah Ish Kraiyot.
