• 7 years ago
1.Potato chips and French fries
The problem with chips and French fries they don't have a lot of nutrients. And they are eaten (usually) way to fast! It's carbs, and in big quantities carbs add cholesterol to your blood.
2. Sugary drinks
Any sugary drink is to ban from your diet. Whether it's sodas or fruit juice, they are loaded with sugar. And the juice you find in stores is usually not juice from the actual fruit. But artificial flavoring. And they have disastrous effects on your health.
3. White bread
White bread usually contains high-refined flour with tons of added sugar.
4. Candy bars
These are extremely unhealthy. They are a combination of refined flour, added oil and sugar. It's basically unnecessary calories, that are bad for you.
5. High-calorie coffee drinks
You favorite latte or macchiato is actually really bad for you. You better stick to regular coffee. The artificial cream, sirup and sugar is killing your diet and your health.
