• 7 years ago
At the outset, tennis is a non-contact sport and it may not seem dangerous, however due to the fast-paced movements players sustain injuries. Here are some common injuries.
1. Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is an overuse injury as a result of constant strain put on elbow joint leading to tendon inflammation.
2. Stress Fractures
A stress fracture is a result of a crack in the bone caused by repetitive movement and overuse. It starts with swelling, but gets worse with the time.
3. Ankle Sprains
As tennis involves rapid movements and change in directions, misjudgement can often lead to falling or awkward landing causing damage to ligaments and ankle sprain.
4. Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder injuries occur more frequently with the beginners as they have an improper serve form and overhead smash, resulting in rotator cuff tendinitis.
Tennis is a unilateral sport which can cause muscle imbalance leading to injury. Cross-training sessions with swimming, cycling and strength training can strengthen the muscles and tendons.
