Police operation for the assassinated Jose Rucci in Buenos Aires 1973

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Strong police operative for the assassinated general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (C.G.T.), José Ignacio Rucci in the District of Flores. Two Ford Falcon cars arrive with plainclothes policemen and a Torino patrol car from the Argentine Federal Police, they descend from the heavily armed civilian and uniformed police vehicles to begin the search operation for the Rucci assassins. Close-ups of a Canal 13 outdoor truck stopped in place. Images of armed police officers retreating from a house and running on the street; Other policemen check the roofs of the neighboring houses. Images of the bullet impacts in a window of the car dealership Tebele Hnos. And in the door of the Mainonides School of the Asociación Comunidad Israelita Sefaradi de Flores. Report where journalist comments: - "A kind of sniper were located in that tank of water that you are seeing, from there crossfire was also carried out where Rucci was, others were stationed in a more straight direction towards the Rucci itself. run of the demonstrators that would have gathered in this corner and are taking positions the members of the infantry corps of the Federal Police and the Gas Brigade.The information is also confused as to the escape of the aggressors, there are some testimonies that They say that some of the aggressors are still in a garage nearby, all the vehicles are quite nervous, people in civilian clothes with guns and they are being searched in the vicinity to detect any clues that can identify the perpetrators. We must rectify that this is the head of the Federal Police, the flaming boss, the General Miguel Angel Iñiguez, who has come personally to take cognizance of these events. Rucci's body is moved now and we said that there were two people accompanying Rucci, one of whom has informed us that he has also lost his life, but we have also found out that among the aggressors, among those who killed Rucci, he is also found a person, at least very badly wounded. At this moment the ambulance is removed. Images of the automobile Torino with glasses destroyed by bullets. We will now give the real version of how the events occurred according to police sources who have informed us moments ago. The ambulance arrives to move the corpse of José Ignacio Rucci. Here in this first note we must say that the arrival of the Secretary of the Metalworking Workers' Union, Lorenzo Miguel and also of the President of the Nation, Mr. Raúl Alberto Lastiri, is awaited. -And we can see inside the car, still some traces of the shots and the transmitting equipment that connected this car with the power station, is still in operation. (Ambient sound / No sound)
Date: 9/25/1973
Duration: 13 minutes 37 seconds
Film code: DV-0076

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