• 5 years ago
Mental Wellness and Sleep - Tip #6 - Bedroom Preparation, hello, I’m Mark Weisenburger your Mental Wellness Advocate.

Now it’s time to go to sleep, you’ve implemented the previous tips to slow the flow, develop a sleep pattern, etc. Now, it’s time to do a little work on the bedroom. You’ll want to make sure the bedroom is dark, use curtains to block out all light that shines in. I’ve threatened to get those plastic things you see in hotels, but I digress.

Many experts tell you to cool the room to 65 degrees. That may work for some, however for me I’ve never really been able to sleep in the cold. Yes, 65 degrees is cold to me. I don’t like it hot either. So, if you don’t know what temperature is best for you, experiment and create the atmosphere that your body needs.

Maybe get your favorite essential oil, like lavender or something that calms and relaxes you and defuse it into the air. Just a thought.

Please leave a comment or question below. I would love to hear what you do to prepare your bedroom for a peaceful night's sleep.

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