• 6 years ago
Preparing for Mexico, I made 2 Facebook friends. Both organizers but in very different ways.
One advertising all the products of tango, making a living, the other one more modest, connecting to my idea of dancing at a local subway station, without any costs or permission.

Unfortunately I never met this one as she had to work a lot like most Mexicans.
I avoided contact the other organizer myself, for my bad experiences with people who make a living out of tango.
Eventually meeting her I​'m​ introduced by her to "the best dancer​ of mexico​ " with the idea that I should participate in the lesson with her. ​
Not participating, I see this young lady enjoying her beautiful steps while practicing them with someone else.

As I believe that, the follower practicing steps is the main reason for disconnection, I decide to invite her to dance before she has seen me dancing. Although I feel her discomfort in me not following her little intentions to go solo, we really seem to impress people. When we finish the organizer drags me away from the floor.

What ​is this!

I expect her to give me a personal lecture about how tango should be done but then she seems to introduce me to a tall young lady from Argentina, suggesting that we should dance. ​
Expecting this to be an attempt to avoid me inviting her, I feel pleasantly surprised when the organizer eventually invites me herself. In a matter of seconds I feel her true spirit. A warm loving person without the fear to fail living up to expectations of others.

We play around and also changing roles doesn't seem to scare her. Others, seemingly disapproving my way of dancing, eventually ​offer me their friendliness.
Eventually we finish this wonderful moments by making some group pictures, practicing to say goodbye until we really do.

What a pleasant lesson to see that things are not always like I expect them to be.

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Traveling the world without depending on money, enjoying free pleasures worldwide.



