• 6 years ago
Her family’s love of good stories, whether they were comics, anime, video games or even the Harry Potter Books, were all a key part of shaping the “geek” in Jamila Rowser’s personality while traveling the world as a military brat with her Air Force mother.

That mix of creativity and imagination that often makes it difficult to fit into new situations was the spark for her popular Girl Gone Geek blog, the root from which all of her other creations have sprouted. “I wanted to write about something I was really passionate about, which was geek culture,” Jamila shares. “That one is always going to hold a special place in my heart.”

Since starting the blog where she shares her thoughts and musings about modern culture, Jamila has become sought after to appear on podcasts and make public appearances at multiple Comic Cons, Book Festivals, and Comic Expos all over the world that allow her to stay connected with her fans and personally meet many of her followers.

A new venture that sprang from Jamila’s blog was the idea of a Geek Girl Brunch. This has now become an international organization which has the mission to create safe spaces for women who self-identify as geeks, no matter their level of fandom. Jamila wanted these brunches to allow girl geeks to be themselves, create lifelong friendships, inspire each other, and just hang out and talk. Now, Geek Girl Brunch has over 4,000 members from 80 chapters in 7 countries and it’s still growing.

Jamila has also worked on multiple comics and authored several of her own including Wash Day and Wobbledy 3000. These comics (in collaboration with artists Robyn Smith on Wash Day and Sabii Borno for Wobbledy 3000) brought attention to African American culture and everyday things women go through that weren't being talked about in that medium. Yet another new venture, Straight Outta Gotham, created in a collaboration with her boyfriend, Jemar Souza, showcases references in the music of hip hop playlists that point out geek culture.

Jemar admires how Jamila has evolved from being a spectator in her early days to now being a cultural creator. “She’s putting her stamp down that this is my space, too, and I’m going to kill it how I want.” After watching this story about this intriguing woman, you will be on the lookout for Jamila everywhere!

Learn more about Jamila at: https://www.jamilarowser.com/

To purchase Wash Day (Story by: Jamila Rowser, Art by: Robyn Smith, Script edited by: J. A. Micheline) visit: https://bit.ly/2U8FBNh

To purchase WOBBLEDY 3000 (Story by: Jamila Rowser, Art by: Sabii Borno, Lettering by: Joamette Gil, Script edited by: J. A. Micheline) visit: https://bit.ly/2FAneJ9

Learn more about Jamila at: https://www.jamilarowser.com/

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