↓2019年3月31日宮城県 UMKを女子ゴルファーが14番ホールから18番ホールをラウンド最終日!クリック↓
◇アクサレディス in MIYAZAKI 最終日(31日)◇UMKCC(宮崎県)◇6525yd(パー72)
20-year-old Yui Kawamoto who started from a single lead of a four-stroke lead played with four birdies and two bogey '70's, and won the tour's first victory with a total of 15 underruns with five strokes behind
Kawamoto was a rookie who passed the 2018 protest. In the same year, he won 4 prizes in the lower tour and became the first place in the prize ranking and won the first half of the season. On the final day, even though I hit a bogey at the start hall, I won the title without losing the lead. Japan's opening four consecutive wins are the first in 14 years since 11 consecutive games in 2005.
Chae-Young Yoon (Korea) and S Langkul (Thailand) are second in 10-under. Hee-Kyung Bae (Korea) followed by Kawamoto, the final pair of rookie waki Motohana, followed in fourth place by a total of 9 under.
Another Reika Usui Reika who made up the final pair is Hikaru Yoshimoto, who ranks eighth overall under 6th in line with Mi-Jeong Jeon (Korea). Last week's champion Momoko Ueda finished in 14th with a total of 5 under.
優勝 winner/-15/河本結 Yui Kawamoto
2T/-10/ユン・チェヨン Chae-Young Yoon、S.ランクン S Langkul
4T/-9/ペ・ヒギョン Hee-Kyung Bae、脇元華 Hana Wakimoto
6T/-8/臼井麗香 Reika Usui、吉本ひかる Hikaru Yoshimoto、全美貞 Mi-Jeong Jeon
9T/-7/菊地絵理香 Erika Kikuchi、佐伯三貴 Miki Saeki、イ・ミニョン Min-Young Lee、テレサ・ルー Teresa Lu
◇アクサレディス in MIYAZAKI 最終日(31日)◇UMKCC(宮崎県)◇6525yd(パー72)
20-year-old Yui Kawamoto who started from a single lead of a four-stroke lead played with four birdies and two bogey '70's, and won the tour's first victory with a total of 15 underruns with five strokes behind
Kawamoto was a rookie who passed the 2018 protest. In the same year, he won 4 prizes in the lower tour and became the first place in the prize ranking and won the first half of the season. On the final day, even though I hit a bogey at the start hall, I won the title without losing the lead. Japan's opening four consecutive wins are the first in 14 years since 11 consecutive games in 2005.
Chae-Young Yoon (Korea) and S Langkul (Thailand) are second in 10-under. Hee-Kyung Bae (Korea) followed by Kawamoto, the final pair of rookie waki Motohana, followed in fourth place by a total of 9 under.
Another Reika Usui Reika who made up the final pair is Hikaru Yoshimoto, who ranks eighth overall under 6th in line with Mi-Jeong Jeon (Korea). Last week's champion Momoko Ueda finished in 14th with a total of 5 under.
優勝 winner/-15/河本結 Yui Kawamoto
2T/-10/ユン・チェヨン Chae-Young Yoon、S.ランクン S Langkul
4T/-9/ペ・ヒギョン Hee-Kyung Bae、脇元華 Hana Wakimoto
6T/-8/臼井麗香 Reika Usui、吉本ひかる Hikaru Yoshimoto、全美貞 Mi-Jeong Jeon
9T/-7/菊地絵理香 Erika Kikuchi、佐伯三貴 Miki Saeki、イ・ミニョン Min-Young Lee、テレサ・ルー Teresa Lu