• 6 年前
◇キア・クラシック 最終日(31日)◇アビアラGC (カリフォルニア州)◇6558yd(パー72)
KIA Classic Last day (31/may/2019) Aviara GC (California) 6558yd (par 72)

Nasa Hataoka has won his first season of the season in his fourth match. The final round, which started after one stroke, was reversed by a total of 18 underes with six birdies and one bogey “67”, marking the third victory of the tour following the 2018 “Arkansas Championships” and “TOTO Japan Classic” the same year.

The past two wins were all three days and the first win in 72 holes for four days. The next week's major first match "ANA Inspiration", was a win winning momentum.

The Japanese won 3 tours in the US, the fifth in a row following Harukyo Nomura who won the 2017 "Texa LPGA Shootout". In terms of victory numbers, they were with Nomura after Ayako Okamoto(17 wins), Ai Miyazato (9 wins), Hiromi Kobayashi (4 wins).

Hataoka was No. 1 on the outing, and had a chance to go over 1m to lead. No. 3 (par 3), No. 5 (par 5) and within 1m, and in the first half out, three out, and a half-turn with a single lead lead single lead. In the 15th birdie, he extended the lead to 3 strokes and made a guts pose.

The first shot was put in the pond with a short par 16 number 16 and made it the only bogey, but the bounce back was a 17 th (par 5) which tied the third shot to a pin. He finished the final 18th with a 3-stroke lead in a par.

Danielle Kang, Azahara Munoz (Spain), Jin Young Ko, Sung-Hyun Park and Inbee Park (all in Korea) followed in the second place with a total of 15 under.


The rest of the Japanese team finished 23rd in a 7-under to Harukyo Nomura, 55th in a 1-under underline by Ayako Uehara , and 59th in a total of even par with Sakura Yokomine.

上位の成績 Top grades
優勝 winner /-18/畑岡奈紗 nasa hataoka
2T/-15/ダニエル・カン Danielle Kang、アサハラ・ムニョス Azahara Munoz、コ・ジンヨン Jin Young Ko、パク・ソンヒョン Sung-Hyun Park、朴仁妃 Inbee Park
7T/-14/シダパ・スワンナプラ Thidapa Suwannapura、キム・ヒョージュ Hyo-Joo Kim、チェ・チェラ Chella Choi、ハー・ミジョンM.J. Hur、ギャビー・ロペス Gaby Lopez



