• 5 years ago
Sexto vídeo en la serie "Quemar grasa". Quinto método usado en fisicultura natural. Cómo usar todos los métodos al mismo tiempo.
00:00Fifth burning fat method.
00:03Using them all together.
00:10We first must understand not everyone reacts
00:13the same way to one,
00:16several or all fat burning methods
00:19it does not matter if they are natural or not.
00:23That is why I must remember you the law of graduality
00:27which suggests to begin at low intensity
00:30and raise it
00:32until goals are reached.
00:38Forgive my sarcasm but I think
00:41it is silly pretending to get rid of a pot belly,
00:44that has taken anyone years to feed, amass and mold, just in a few days.
00:50We must also know there are wonderful methods
00:53for one person since the first day
00:56but they suddenly stop working.
00:59Another ones start very slow.
01:03And still another are for specific moments.
01:08This can take a lot of time to handle it correctly.
01:11Sometimes we are talking about years to find a perfect match for ourselves.
01:20Now we are going to see those worries,
01:23those thoughts, coming up naturally
01:27in all those who happen to know these methods.
01:31One is good, would two be better?
01:35What benefits could I expect using them all?
01:39Could I get the body I want for the next weekend?
01:45Do these methods allow me to do anything I want to?
01:50Are these dangerous methods which should be prescribed by doctors?
01:59They are right questions and you will find their answers here.
02:05Let's begin.
02:08Questions and answers.
02:14How long should one wait to see results with one of these fat burning methods?
02:23Two months at least,
02:28and four months at most to see tangible results.
02:33We must keep in mind that many people get resuts very quickly,
02:38even so, experience shows us if someone does not see any outcome within 3 months,
02:44that someone will not see anything in the near future.
02:51How long must I wait to see any outcome when combining
02:56two or more of these methods?
03:00Exactly the same time as with only one,
03:042 months minimum, 4 months maximum.
03:10Can we have the same benefits and side effects
03:15from natural and synthetic supplementation?
03:22No, we can´t.
03:24Supplements are not drugs (medicine),
03:26you don't need a prescription to buy them.
03:30And normally their side effects, if any,
03:34subside after descontinuing their use.
03:36In short, to use natural supplements
03:41you just have to follow the instructions and have common sense.
03:47And the synthetic ones?
03:52These must be prescribed by a physician
03:55and under his/her supervision
03:58and when getting side effects you must get back to the doctor inmediately.
04:05Given that I combine all the methods at the same time,
04:09can I reach my fat burning goals faster and without any consecuence?
04:18Combining it all together is a dangerous game
04:23since our body can get overflowed with external elements.
04:30And then we may see overtraining,
04:33food deficits, digestive tract problems and so on.
04:41It is difficult to understand why is that,
04:45can you give us more ditails?
04:50Let's say, you take just one form from each method
04:53As follows,
04:56first you raise caloric expenditure exercising more,
05:00second, you disminish caloric intake eating less food
05:07third, you take a fat burner like L-carnitine,
05:11fourth, you take a fat blocker like chitosan,
05:16and finally you take a carb blocker like Psyllium Husk.
05:22Now let's see your body's current circumstances.
05:27Since exercise amount has been raised your body needs more energy
05:32from food, but you have cut it down
05:38that's why it jumps to carbohydrates to supply its energy needs
05:42but you have blocked them with the Psyllium Husk,
05:46then your body gets to its last stand before eating its own muscles,
05:54we are talking about fat,
05:57but this is being used faster because of the L-carnitine
06:05and we can not get more fat because the chitosan is blocking it.
06:10All this just suddenly.
06:13What can it be expected?
06:15From a little dizziness up to a body system failure
06:20of the cardiovascular system, nerve system and who knows.
06:28If I am not mistaken your saying that upon waiting
06:31a reasonable amount of time
06:34more than one method can be used at the same time, am I right?
06:38That's it! Imagine that you raise the amount of exercise,
06:43and then wait a couple of weeks to cut down food intake.
06:49After a few weeks more you take the Psyllium Husk.
06:53In the end, you have put several method together
06:58but your body have adapted to all of them.
07:03What is, you would say, the best order to sum up these methods?
07:10I suggest beginning with the raise of the caloric intake
07:14since it is easy to do more physical activity.
07:19Secondly, taking a fat burner because in this way
07:23you will have more energy available to spend.
07:30And then, reduce food intake, little by little.
07:36To my mind, blockers should be added after
07:39a few months using the other three ones
07:43because adaptation is difficult for most people.
07:49Is there any fat burning supplement that must be taken with caution
07:56or that can jeopadize health?
07:59Any recommendations about that?
08:03Yes, there are.
08:05Those that claim to handle thyroid glands in any way
08:10we'd be better off leaving it alone.
08:13These glands are so important
08:16even the smallest mistake can hurt health for good.
08:21In the other hand we have "thermogenics"
08:24which name means "raising the temperature of the body"
08:27so they are to be avoided by people living in warm places,
08:36like the Tropics, as an example.
08:39Those whose working places are hot, like chefs
08:45bakers, smiths and so on.
08:51What is a supplement in plain words?
08:59There are many different opinions about this topic
09:03most experts and institutions around the world
09:08follow the FDA's definition:
09:11Supplements are any substances taken to enhance health and well-being,
09:19provided that they are vitamins,
09:22minerals, herbs, enzymes, amino acids (proteins included)
09:32or any combination of them.
09:37What is a natural supplement?
09:40And what is a synthetic supplement?
09:46When a supplement is directly taken from plants
09:51and food products and have been converted into
09:54capsules, powder, tablets or liquid
10:00by means of physical processes not altering its nature is called "natural".
10:05And it is called "synthetic"
10:09when created or synthezised from others
10:12and it did not exist before in nature,
10:16or if it imitates what is natural.
10:18We also call it chemical or artificial.
10:23What is the "FDA" you have mentioned before?
10:31It is the U.S. Deparment of Health Food and Drugs Administration.
10:41does the Masked Trainer have any advice for those
10:46who want to burn fat with any of these methods?
10:51I think the best advice the Masked Trainer
10:54can give you is for you giving a try to one
10:57or two methods at a time during at least 2 months
11:00or 3 at most,
11:04writing down important measurements like body measurements
11:07weight, how you feel with the supplement,
11:11and if you are using two or a combination.
11:15Then rest for 2 weeks and then you test another one or two methods.
11:23Continue this way, between 6 months and a year
11:27you will have checked your results with one or a combination of them.
11:34Stick with the one that do you best
11:37with less side effects until it turns out useless
11:41then you change it for another one,
11:44or until you have reached your goal and don't need it anymore.
11:50Good luck!
12:00Masked Trainer.
