• hace 6 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Norberto Longo comments: - "Nicolino Locche is here again, in our land, he is passing by because he goes to his homeland, Mendoza, and we wanted to come and shake his hand, to greet him, to talk with him and know how it had been for such a special trip, if you want so publicized, because he went to visit his family throughout Europe. " Report to the boxer Nicolino Locche, in which he is asked: - Nicolino, have you had a good trip? -And when did you meet your grandson world champion? - Nicolino Locche learned to speak in Italian during this time he was there? - Did many new relatives know Nicolino Locche in Italy? - About boxing in Europe, especially in Italy, I understand that there will have been notes, that there were reports to the world champion, who will have spoken to him sometime about Bruno Arcari, that the Italians also postulate as world champion? - Nicolino, that another kind of memory, not only family but also of a sport nature, picks up a world champion on this trip? -Nicolino, the family then satisfied, the smile of all, here is one of the members of the family of Locche, the youngest baby, but I mean Locche in sports, that is, the hobby asks what he will do Nicolino Locche from now on? (Norberto Longo)
Date: 2/2/1969
Duration: 4 minutes 37 seconds
Code of the film: C-00212

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