• 6 years ago
Two leading Swedish politicians have a message for President Trump’s critics: He’s right. Per Jimmie Akesson and Mattias Karlsson, both leaders of the Sweden Democrats, penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Wednesday supporting Trump’s characterization of a Muslim immigrant-led crime crisis in Sweden. “Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems,” Akesson and Karlsson wrote. “If anything, he understated them.”

On the comedy, satire program- The Greg Gutfeld Show

Trump was ridiculed by many after he gave a speech Saturday citing Sweden among a list of European countries affected by the scourge of Islamic terror. Referring to the massive number of Middle Eastern refugees that have poured into the country, Trump said Sweden was “having problems like they never thought possible.” Some Swedish politicians openly derided Trump’s portrayal of the country – but riots in a heavily immigrant suburb of Stockholm on Monday evening put an end to most of the mockery.

Lamenting the rise in violence and anti-Semitism that has accompanied the migrant wave that saw Sweden take more migrants per captia than any other European nation, Mr Åkesson remarked that sex crimes in the country had doubled in a year. Reeling off a list of damages done to Sweden by mass migration in the opinion piece co-authored with fellow SD politician Mattias Karlsson, Mr Åkesson urged America to take heed and not repeat the same mistakes of immigration and cultural capitulation made in Europe.

Mr Åkesson wrote:

When President Trump last week raised Sweden’s problematic experience with open-door immigration, skeptics were quick to dismiss his claims. Two days later an immigrant suburb of Stockholm was racked by another riot. No one was seriously injured, though the crowd burned cars and hurled stones at police officers.

Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems. If anything, he understated them. Sweden took in about 275,000 asylum-seekers from 2014-16—more per capita than any other European country. Eighty percent of those who came in 2015 lacked passports and identification, but a majority come from Muslim nations. Islam has become Sweden’s second-largest religion. In Malmö, our third-largest city, Mohamed is the most common name for baby boys.


