• 6 years ago
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SLACKER MOM’s Guide to Road Trips with Kids

(This post contains some sponsored products and affiliate links. I only share things I absolutely love and think will make your road trips with kids easier.)

Summer road trips with kids can inspire both excitement and pure dread for parents. Our family is big on road trips. We regularly do round-trips of 3-4 hours. We’ve done extended trips up to 14 hours away. We’ve had our share of tantrums (both by the kids and my husband and me!), disasters, and tears. So learn from my mistakes with these tips for road trips with kids. And turn a ride from hell into a fun, family adventure.

Tips for Road Trips with Kids
--Car Seat Shuffle
The placement of car seats in the car is crucial. Obviously, the larger car you have, the better. When we travel, we try to take our car that has three rows of seats. That way, a screaming child can be banished to the back row if necessary.

If at all possible, don’t place your children next to each other. It’s a recipe for fighting, kicking, and “Mom, she’s touching me!” Infant and toddler seats are pretty difficult to move around. But if you have a kid in a booster, get one that’s really easy to move.

Get a few kickmats for in front of each child. Fill it with snacks, crayons, small toys, tissues, a bandaid… anything they might need from you while you are driving. It serves double-duty as a kick mat to keep those angry feet scuffs off the backs of your seats.

--Choose Your Snacks Wisely
There are snacks that are great for eating in the car and there are snacks that create a disaster in the car. I have learned this from many crummy experiences! Avoid things that make too many crumbs. I’ve spend waaaay too much time vacuuming up the crumbs of certain granola bars and those Little Bites brownies. Have you seen how messy my car is? Save crumbling snacks for at home.

Some of my favorite, less messy snacks are: gummies, apples, apple sauce or yogurt pouches, and dried fruit.

Pack some extra special treat snacks that you don’t usually allow your children to have. HIDE THESE and only bring them out when your family is nearing it’s breaking point.

--Choose Your Music Wisely
Let’s be honest, most kid’s music sucks. And kids love to hear the same songs OVER and OVER and OVER again. Do not bring any music that you don’t want to hear 200 times.

We attempt to select music that both parents and kids like. I know it sounds difficult, but it’s totally doable.

Read the rest of this post at momcavetv.com
