• hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Occupation of the Necchi metallurgical plant in the San Martin Party due to late wages. Image with the facade of the establishment. Police surveillance of the San Martin investigation brigade in the surrounding area preventing possible incidents. Image of a banner that says: "We are not intruders, we defend what is ours" and another "Factory occupied by the workers". Report to family members of the workers: - Who do you have in there? -Since when? -Are you supportive of their attitude? Report to an official who leaves the factory: -What is the reason for your presence? -What is the position of the workers? -How many workers are inside the factory? - Can acts of violence occur? - Has the Metallurgical Workers Union established a position? Report to a woman who is crying: - Madam, why are you in front of the factory? - Since what time is your husband there? - Are you afraid of something happening to you? -Are you Italians? Image with the workers stationed on the factory terrace making a claim. The journalist from the street asks: -What do you think to do now? - Are there talks at this time with the employer? -What time can you have any information about that meeting that will take place in La Plata? (Jose Manuel Carrizo)
Date: 2/2/1970
Duration: 3 minutes 34 seconds
Film code: B-01507

Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Queries for archive material: difilm@sinectis.com.ar
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